Where did Amir grow up?
Kabul, Afghanistan
What happened to Hassan's mother?
Saunabar ran away after giving birth.
Who is Baba's close friend?
Rhahim Khan
The story takes place during the span of 1975 to the early ...
2000s (2001)
Rahim Khan and Baba are upper-class men from which ethnic group?
Where does Amir live as an adult?
San Francisco, Fremont, the Bay Area.
Who is jealous of Baba and Hassan's relationship?
To Baba, there is only one (1) sin. What is it?
Which event changes things for Amir and Hassan?
The Kite competition
For Amir's first short story, Hassan finds a flaw. What is it?
The man could cry with onions
Which competitive sport does Amir do well in?
Kite flying competition
Hassan receives a special birthday gift. What does it fix and who gives him the gift?
Surgery on his lip and Baba pays for it.
Who did Baba grow up with and continue to interact with daily?
Assef dislikes a specific group of people. Who are they?
Amir and Hassan like to sit where when reading stories.
Under a pomegranate tree
How is Amir more like his mother than Baba?
He enjoys reading and learning more than sports.
He knows where the kite will land.
Why does Ali grow up with Baba?
Ali's parents were killed and Baba's father decided to take Ali in to live and to learn from other servants.
In the summer Hassan has his lip surgery, he begins smiling. On that summer after the rape, he stops doing what?
Baba is described as an attention-calling man. Why?
Very tall, tree trunks for thighs
Who gives Amir the approval and love he truly wants without questions?
Why does Amir say that Hassan is a sacrificial lamb?
Hassan needs to be sacrificed so Amir and Baba can become closer.
What is Baba's profession?
Merchant, businessman
Who protects Amir from Assef, Kamal, and Wali and how?
Hassan with his slingshot
Why does Ali marry Saunabar, even though she is not as worthy of him?
To bring honor to her and her family