Which song has the record for highest score total before the score-system revamp in 2016?
What is Fairytale
Den største innsjøen i Oslo
Hva er maridalsvannet
"There's vomit on his sweater already.."
Denne personen har mest timer i CS:GO
Hvem er Mikael (2.200ish)
This game released on 11.11.2011
What is The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Satelite - Lena
Kebab-bedrift med mest solgte kebab året 2019
Hva er Bislett Kebab House
The hit song "The Fox" was followed by another song the same year, about a world heritage site.
What is Stonehenge?
Hvem er Marius
This game has editions such as: Education, Legacy Console, and New Nintendo 3DS.
What is Minecraft?
Which country has the record for most 0-point entries?
What is Norway
Hvem er Karpe / Karpe Diem
Denne personen har gått på fotball, ishockey, kampsport, korps, sjakk, håndball og svømming.
Hvem er Kevin
This game series is all about constructing additional pylons.
What is: Starcraft
This winner from Austria was a man dressed as his female-alias
Who is Conchita Wurst
Dette er den lengste bussruta i Oslo (rød bybuss)
Hva er rute 31 (Grorud-Snarøya, 1t4m)
This person is featured in such classic pieces of media such as "KEKW" and "Apple engineer talks about the new 2015 Macbook"
Who is Risitas
Denne personen er real boomer hours
Hvem er Simen
This classic game contains lines such as: "Why do we have to wear these ridiculous ties?" and "if you follow standard insertion procedures, everything will be fine."
What is Half-Life
This country first entered in 2015 as a one-off, but was later granted a permanent spot because they scored well.
What is Australia
Denne bydelen hadde mest vekst fra 2010-2020 (befolkningstall)
Hva er Bjerke
This song is from a well-known children's show, and can be combined with Lil Jon for massive comedic effect
What is "Cooking by the Book" (Lazy Town)
Denne personen er bedre på instrument en alle andre her
Hvem er Kristian
This billion-dollar game series caused a "satanic panic" in the US when some groups claimed it was a "satanic piece of media".