The voice level in the hallway
What is 0 to 2?
This voice number is conversation level in the cafeteria.
What is 2?
This is way to demonstrate responsibility in the bathroom.
Possible answers What is?
Use bathroom when needed
Use bathroom closest to the classroom
Technology free
Go, flush, wash, trash
Report problems to a staff member
If you have demonstrated expected behavior and you see a staff member you should not do this
This happens on Friday afternoons at 2:40PM
What is The Laker Way drawing?
We are..... We are..... We are.........
Respectful, Responsible, Caring
True or False: The Laker Way tickets are bookmarks we can use
I turn in my Laker Ticket here!
What is the bin in the main office?
Act out what it looks like to respectfully walk through the hallway.
Teacher approved answer-team acts out an appropriate response.
Voice level 0-2
Positive language
Respect school property
You might recieve one of these in the mail if a teacher notices that you are demonstrating exceptional responsible, respectful or caring behavior.
What is a laker like?
Act out what it looks like to walk through the line in a respectful way
Name 3 expectations that you should follow in the common areas
Refer to the PBIS matrix