Word Nerds
Author's Purpose
Grammar Fun

The characters in The Landlady

Who are the Landlady and Billy Weaver


Something that is weird or off.  

What does the word "peculiar" mean?


Figurative language that compares two things using like or as.

What is a simile?


Billy was seventeen years old.  The subject of the sentence is________________.  The verb of the sentence is ___________________.  The verb is _______ tense.  

What is Billy?  What is was?  What is past?


The author uses imagery to describe the houses "paint was peeling from doors and windows, facades were cracked and blotchy."  The purpose of this imagery is to __________.  

What is the truth about the Landlady?  


hardworking, young, naive

What are some character traits of Billy Weaver?


I would love to visit a fancy restaurant with really good food and atmosphere.  I want to be able to get dressed up.  The place will need to be __________.

What is "swanky"?


Figurative language that uses the five senses to create pictures for the reader.  

What is imagery?


The Bell and Dragon contains capital letters because_____________.

What is the name of something specific?  What is a place?


The landlady has been expecting a guest.  The author reveals this to us by showing us____________.

What are the descriptions of a water bottle in the sheets? The bedclothes had been neatly turned back?  


friendly, comforting, soothing, 

What are some character traits of the Landlady?


Sometimes I feel like I should do something, although I might not even know why.  I am _____________ to do it.  

What is compelled?


The chrysanthemums stood tall and beautiful in the vase is an example of what kind of figurative language? 

What is personification?


He found the guest book lying open on the piano, so he took out his pen and wrote his name and address is an example of ______________ kind of sentence.  

What is a compound sentence?


The author uses _________ in the dialogue between Billy and the Landlady about the other house guests to show that the Landlady does not want to discuss the other guests' disappearance with Billy.   

What are interruptions?  


The reader can infer that Billy feels quite comfortable with the landlady and confident about his decision to  remain in her home.  What text evidence shows this?

Where is paragraph 47?  fire was glowing, little dachshund sleeping.  warm and cozy. I am a lcuky fellow.


In paragraph 64, the word "dainty" means_______________.  

What is tiny, pretty, delicate, or lovely?


The author uses the simile "the wind was like a flat blade of ice on his cheeks" to show ___________________.  

What is foreshadowing?  The blade is used to cut and drain the blood of the "pets" of the landlady.  


In the sentence "Suddenly, in a downstairs window that was brilliantly illuminated by a street lamp not six yards away, Billy caught sight of a printed notice propped up against one of the upper panes" the word suddenly is an _____________ which is a part of speech.  

What is an adverb?


The Landlady has her house guests sign the guestbook because ___________.  

Why do serial killers collect things?  My little pets?


The description of the Landlady show that the author feels___________________about her. 

What is endearing?  Pitty? Empathy?  


In paragraph 73, the word "tantalizing" uses what context clues to help the reader know what the word means.   

What is " a thing that lingers just outside the borders of one's mind" ?


The author's use of  the metaphor "the tray were a pair of reins on a frisky horse" shows__________________________.  

What is excitement?  The landlady is excited about serving the tea because of what is IN the tea.


"On the other hand, a pub would be more congenial than a boardinghouse" has a transition that means____________.  

What is literally in your other hand?  What is choice 1 or two?

The ___________ is a detail that is left unresolved at the end of the passage.  

What happens to Billy Weaver?
