Define "Threatening" (Page 192)
A source of danger or harm
Author's purpose
To tell an exciting and imaginative story
Define "Vast"
Very great in size, extent, amount, number, or degree
Author's Purpose
To use focused, imaginative language and form to capture emotion and thought
Define "Submerged"
Completely covered with a liquid
Define "Extinct" (page 194)
No longer in existence
The plot features elements of danger and builds suspense in readers
Define "Wanderlust"
Strong desire to travel aimlessly
Structure is divided into ______ that are often organized into groups, or stanzas
Define "Forlorn"
Abandoned or deserted
Define "Mutation" (page 197)
Change in form, nature, or quality
What is a science-fiction adventure story?
A brief work of fiction in which danger and futuristic science or technology play important roles
Define "Awe"
Reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder
Structure may use rhyme, rhyme scheme, or ______, or set rhythmic patterns
Define "Canals"
Artificial waterways for transportation or irrigation
Uncertainty about a character's fate builds _______, or tension, in readers
Characteristic: The setting is _______
Who wrote "Science-Fiction Cradlesong?"
C.S. Lewis
Characteristic: Uses words for both ______ and _____
Sound and Meaning
Define "Immense"
Very large
The writer adds to suspense through _______, or the use of clues that hint at what could happen
Characteristic: Conveys a theme, or message about _______
Who wrote "First Men on the Moon?"
J. Patrick Lewis
Characteristic: Describes ____________
A moment in time
Define "Atmosphere"
The gas surrounding the Earth; air