Ancient Cities
Economic Theory
British Literature
Gunpowder Empires

This Roman city was buried under volcanic ash after the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.

What was Pompeii?


These two terms are potentially the most fundamental concepts in economics whose interactions are the core of understanding markets.

What are Supply and Demand?


This allegorical novella by George Orwell satirizes totalitarianism and explores the dangers of political manipulation through a group of farm animals.

What is Animal Farm?


Gunpowder was invented in this nation during the 9th century.

What is China?


This disease, potentially the most deadly disease in human history, killed about 10% of the world's total population.

What is Yersina Pestis or the Black Death?


This Ancient Greek city-state was famed for its democracy and its abundance of scholars.

What was Athens?


This theory, developed in 19th-century Germany, analyzes how the capitalist system generates and perpetuates inequality and exploitation.

What are Marxist economics?


This novel, published in 1813, follows the romantic entanglements of Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy.

What is Pride and Prejudice?


The longest-lasting of the traditional three Gunpowder Empires, the Ottoman Empire spoke this language at court.

What is Turkish?


This is the word for the mythological Norse end of the world, consisting of a great battle, the death of the gods, and the burning of the world.

What is Ragnarok?


This Mesopotamian city with biblical importance is thought to be the first city ever to reach a population of 200,000 people.

What is Babylon?


This economic concept refers to the total value of goods and services produced within a country's borders in a given period.

What is GDP?


This Irish writer's famous novel "Ulysses" takes place over the course of a single day, June 16, 1904, and is celebrated for its experimental style.

Who is James Joyce?


The Mughal Empire, despite being founded by an Uzbek, held most of its land within the borders of this modern nation.

What is India?


This literary work by John Milton describes the epic battle between the forces of Heaven and Hell, including the ultimate conflict.

What is Paradise Lost?


Harappa was the capital city of this ancient civilization, the oldest known in the Indian subcontinent.

What was the Indus River Valley Civilization?


This economic theory developed in response to the Great Depression and focuses on the role of government intervention in managing economic fluctuations, alleviating inefficiencies created by free markets, and maintaining stability in the economy. 

What are Keynesian Economics?

The titular character in Shakespeare's Othello serves as a general in the service of this nation.
What is the Republic of Venice?

The Safavid Empire in Iran followed this alternate branch of Islam differing from the more prominent Sunni branch.

What is Shia Islam?


A giant explosion from this American volcano last occurred 631,000 years ago, and many believe it has the potential to dramatically reduce the human population.

What is the Yellowstone Volcano?


This Levantine city, inhabited since 7000 BC, is the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world.

What is Byblos?


This British economist was a strong believer that population growth would continually outgrow the food supply, resulting in starvation, especially when innovation increased the efficiency of food production.

Who was Thomas Robert Malthus?


Mary Shelley's Frankenstein was initially devised in a competition to see who wrote the best horror story with this other notable figure in British literature.

Who was Lord Byron?


This 19th-century conflict was the last major conflict to see mass use of gunpowder weapons as new developments would see gunpowder become obsolete.

What was the American Civil War?


The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists' Doomsday Clock is the closest it has ever been to midnight, as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, this many seconds away from the end of the world.

What is 90 seconds?
