Medieval Europe
Church Reform
Modernizing States
Deadly 14th Century
The Renaissance
This is the political system of medieval Europe, which is characterized by the relationship between a lord and vassal.
What is Feudalism.
In the 11th century, the Roman Catholic Church officially split or schism-ed with this church.
What is the Orthodox Church.
Meaning the "great charter" in Latin, this document was an agreement between the English King and his vassals over their rights.
What is Magna Carta.
This is a period in the middle ages characterized by low crop yields and high death rates due to starvation, malnutrition, and related diseases.
What is famine.
This term, meaning "rebirth" marks a new period in European History characterized by exploration and advances in the sciences and humanities.
What is the Renaissance.
This is the economic system of the middle ages which is based on peasant laboring on large agricultural estates.
What is Manorialism.
This was a long standing battle between the Papacy and the Holy Roman Emperor that started in the 11th Century. It dealt with issues such as who had the right to created bishops.
What is the Investiture Controversy.
Henry II of England help modernize the state by creating this law system which put everyone, including the King, under the same laws.
What is Common Law.
This is the name for the climatic crisis which lasted from the late 13th to the early 19th centuries.
What is the Little Ice Age.
This book explains different types of government and power. It was written by Italian diplomat Nicolo Machiavelli.
What is the Prince.
Medieval towns were often free of local lords and self-governed by these individuals.
Who are merchants and craftsmen.
The First Crusade was called by Pope Urban II at this event.
What is the Council of Clermont.
This is the term that came to be applied to the medieval and early modern English government. It emphasizes the country's parliamentary government.
What is Constitutionalism.
Jean de Vinette's 1348 work details the arrival of this disaster in France.
What is the plague.
The invention of this device revolutionized the way information was created and spread.
What is the printing press.
Key to the general recovery of Europe after the year 1000 A.D., this group of barbarians settled in what is modern day Hungary.
Who are the Magyars.
Cited as one of the main problems with the medieval Church, this term refers to the practice of buying and selling church offices.
What is Simony.
This French King is considered the model of medieval kingship because of his piety and justices.
Who is Louis IX.
One of the groups of people to develop during the plague. They would whip themselves in hopes of atoning for the sins of humanity.
Who are the flagellants.
The Papacy acted like a secular monarchy by fighting wars and patronizing the arts. This change was largely due to this family.
Who are the Borgias.
Around the year 1000 A.D., agricultural production in Europe began to increase due to this climatic trend.
What is warming / a climatic optimum.
Besides the growth of trade and culture in Europe, the Crusades had the effect of creating animosity between Christians and these two groups.
Who are Muslims and Jews.
The fight between the French monarchy and the Papacy, which culminated in the pope being moved to Avignon, is know as this.
What is the Babylonian Captivity.
This conflict between England and France had the consequence that England lost most of their land on the continent.
What is the Hundred Year's War.
This man characterized the spirit of the Renaissance with his artistic and scientific achievements and inventions including the "Mona Lisa."
Who is Leonardo da Vinci.