What grade is Jessie skipping?
3rd grade
What grade is Evan about to start?
4th grade
Why is Evan mad at Jessie?
Jessie is skipping grades and is going to be in the same class as Evan
drawing pictures
What does humiliated mean?
very embarrassed
What book does Jessie read when she is upset?
Charlotte's Web
True or False, Evan is happy Jessie is going to be in his class.
How do Jessie and Evan find out the news about their 4th grade class?
it comes in a letter from school
Name at least one thing Megan wrote on the comment card to Jessie.
she is nice, has good ideas and/or is fun to be around
What does it mean if something is a "gimmick"?
it is fake or a trick
What do Jessie and Megan plan to do with their money from the war?
Donate it to the Animal Rescue League (animal charity)
Who is the girl that Evan likes?
Jessie decides to sell lemonade with whom?
Megan Moriarty
Megan invites Jessie to go on a trip with her where?
to the beach
What does pulverize mean?
to crush or destroy something
What is the name of the club that some of Jessie’s classmates started? (They called it the WHJC)
We Hate Jessie Club
What sport does Evan like to play?
What is the bet that Evan and Jessie make?
Whoever sells the most lemonade (the closest to $100) keeps the loser's earnings.
What free services did Jessie and Megan offer at their lemonade stand?
face painting, nail polishing and hair braiding
What does skeptical mean?
having doubts or unsure about something
Math is easy for Jessie, but what is hard for her?
Figuring out people's feelings
How much older is Evan than Jessie?
14 months (about a year)
The convenience store nearby that Jessie and Evan can ride their bikes to is called what?
Why can't Evan sell lemonade at the town center?
A police officer tells him he needs a permit.
What does it mean to "sweet talk"?
to speak nicely to another person to get them to do something