which character is known for they're spoiled "rich" lifestyle??
what was the reason June bug wanted to jump out of the moving cab ?
the kids had little to no money to pay for the taxi ride.
what literary device is used in this quote ," giving me one of those grins like she telling a grown up joke that never turns out to be funny ".
name one of the main three themes
poverty,wealth ,and inequality.
what is our main characters name??
why did the students automatically hate Mrs.Moore??
mrs.moore had much more money than the kids,they were jealous and they didn't trust her mentoring .
what device is this ," that's a paperweight made of semi-precious stones fused together under tremendous pressure,"
give an example of how poverty is a theme in the story ?
there are many ,explain answer.
what character was apart of sylvia's flashback??
what was the expensive toy the kids wanted to buy that they could not afford??
a boat.
what device is this, " wasting his peanut butter -and jelly sandwich like the pig he is."
give an example of wealth as a theme in the lesson.
explain answer.
what was the name of the teacher with the 'nappy" hair??
how much was the boat they couldn't afford ??
what device is this ,"And Mrs.Moore say no,you never outgrow learning instruments."
give an example of how inequality is developed as a theme.
explain answer.
what was the name of Sylvia's "cousin"??
how did Sylvia end up on the floor ??
the students were shoving through the door and they had crashed onto the floor causing the flashback.
what device is this, "then the rest of us tumble in like glued-together jigsaw done all together,"
name a DIFFERENT story we've read in class that's related to these same themes.
open ended,explain answer.