What size eggs are most recipes based on?
Large eggs
What is cholesterol?
Where is it stored?
A fat like substance found in every living cell in your body that insulates the nerve fibers and is needed for the body to produce vitamin D.
Concentrated in the liver, kidney, adrenal glands, and brain.
What are Chinese eggs?
A method of preservation in which eggs were stored for several years in salt and wet clay, cooked rice, salt and lime; or salt or wood ashes with tea infusion.
Research shows that a diet high in saturated fat, trans-fatty acids, and excess calories contributed to what?
increased levels of cholesterol in your blood
What is a requirement of all egg cartons?
Must display a Julian date that they were packed.
They are not required, but they can carry and expiration (sell-by) date and/or best by date-- expiration date can be no longer than 30 days after pack
Use by date can be no longer than 45 days after pack.
What's the advantage of egg as a protein?
The protein in an egg is high quality and low in cost.
One egg equals one ounce of lean meat, poultry or fish.
The major role of this mineral is building and maintaining bones and teeth. How much is in an egg?
28mg (2.6% of DRV) of calcium per egg- most edible is in the yolk
Shell is made of calcium carbonate (94%)
What is another name for a chantilly merangue
Italian meringue that is folded into whipped cream
Where is cholesterol found?
All food from animals.
What is the step in which egg grader looks inside the egg without breaking it out.
What is a carotenoid?
What do elevated levels of cholesterol mean? Does one have to avoid egg yolks?
higher risk of heart disease
a wealth of research shows that eggs do not have a significant impact on blood cholesterol levels.
The ropy strands of egg white that anchor the yolk in place.
-the more prominent the fresher the egg
What is the range of calories for an egg?
54 small-90 jumbo calories
large 72 calories
How much cholesterol is in one egg?
186 milligrams
What is cephalin and how much is in an egg?
A phospholipid found in nerve tissues, including the white matter of the brain and the spinal cord
0.23 grams of cephalin
What is essential mineral for the normal functioning of all the cells in your body and assures the structural development and signaling functions of cell membranes.