The theme in 1 John is _____ & Fellowship
We love because he first loved ______
Us (1 John 4:19)
The _______ John wrote all 3 letters
John writes the first letter to a specific leader in the church.
1 John features how many chapters?
In 2 John, John warns against false _________
The command ______ ___ _________ is the same from the beginning.
Love one Another (2 John 1:5)
John writes letter 3 to ______.
The shortest book in the new testament is in fact, 2 John
TRUE. (13 verses)
How should you welcome false teachers?
Do not welcome them or take part in their wicked ways. *Answer will be given under the host's discretion*
Diotrephes was an example of a very _______ man.
Prideful or Proud
Whoever has the _______ has life; whoever does not have the ______ does not have life. (1 word)
Who does John warn against in 2 John and call the deceiver and the antichrist?
The ones who deny Jesus came in the flesh.
John refers to believers as "little children"
How is God's love made complete in us?
By obeying his commands.
According to 1 John 1:9 directly, what does John say God will do if we confess our sins? _____ & ______
Forgive us and Cleanse us from all unrighteousness
Imitate what is _____ not ________.
Good, Evil (3 John 1:11)
_______ is praised for his good testimony.
The letters of John come after the Gospel of John in the bible, but were the actually written after the Gospel?
Which of the three letters are the most personal and why?
3 John because he writes to Gaius.
Light and Love
Do not love the world because _________
Because the world and its desires pass away, but whoever does God's will lives forever. (1 John 2:15-17) *Answer will be given under the host's discretion*
Diotrephes was known for rejecting _____________.
John's Authority. *Answer will be given under the host's discretion*
3 John encourages rejecting all traveling teachers.
_______ _______ casts out _________
Perfect, Love, Fear. (1 John 4:18)