what was the name of the first protest to end anti-lgbtq laws
what is "We Demand"
Who gave a public apology to the LGBTQ+ community on behalf of the government
what is Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
why is the flag a rainbow
what is "after the rain a rainbow comes out"
What does "POG" or "F-flag" stand for?
what is:
"parents of gays" "friends and family of lesbians and gays"
when was Gay marriage legalized
what is June of 2005
what is the "immigration act"
what is "it was a bill that prohibited homosexuals from entering Canada"
whos the first LGBTQ+ athlete to be included in the hockey hall of fame?
what is Angela James
What does the "LGBTQ" stand for
what is:
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer
where is P-Flag organized
what is Toronto
when was the immigration act no longer including homosexuals
what is 1978
when was the first known arrest of homosexuality
what is 1648
in Ville Marie New France (Quebec)
Who is the most famous gay-singer of all time?
(there's 2 right answers)
When was the first pride parade
what is August 2nd 1987
what kind of support system do they offer?
help phone, support groups, school workshops
when did the parliment raise it's first pride flag during Pride month?
What is June 2016
When was the LGBTQ purge declared to an end?
what is 2016
Which celebrity who is a big advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and wrote a "pride anthem"
what is GAGA
when was the first trans festival?
how did it start?
what is the organizers of "F-flag" and 2 POGs who founded P-flag
who launched a lawsuit against the military in 1989?
What is Michelle Douglas
How much money was given out of compensation from the RCMP
what is 110 million
First openly gay premier of Ontario?
what is Kathleen Wynne
when did the olympics include a pride house for those LGBTQ+ athletes
What Is Olympics Vancouver 2010
what is their goal
what is “Every LGBTQ2S+ person in toronto finds love and acceptance in their families and communities”
what when did Canada change the Canadian Human Rights chart to include “Canadian Human Rights Act '' to prohibit discrimination against gender identity and gender expression."
what is 2017