What is Aiden's favorite food?
What is Ashley's favorite Animal?
A cat!
What is Alvis's Favorite Game?
What is Adrian's Favorite dessert?
what is daddy's favorite color?
The color blue
What type of book does Aiden like to read?
Harry Potter!
What does Ashley like to watch?
Ashley does not have a favorite Video
What is Alvis's favorite thing to watch?
A Cookie God!
What is Adrian's Favorite game?
What is mommy's favorite pet?
What is Aiden's favorite food in the fridge?
What is Ashley's favorite food?
What is Alvis's favorite place to go to?
Great Wolf Lodge!
What is Adrian's favorite pet?
A Turtle!
What does mommy like do on the weekends?
Go Shopping!
does Aiden like to sleep at Daddy's house or Yeye's house?
Yeye's house
What is Ashley's favorite food?(She has 2 favorites)
Strawberries and Grapes!
What is Alvis's favorite type of plant?
A Prauna plant!
What is Adrian's favorite song?
What is daddy's favorite car?
A Convertible
What is Aiden's favorite kind of snack?
BBQ Chips!
What is Ashley's favorite thing in our backyard?
The fire place
What is the most clumsiest thing that Alvis did?
He broke his arm
What is Adrian's favorite fruit?
What are the days that daddy goes to work?
Tuesday and Thurday!