A huge cloud of dust and gas.
What is a nebula?
The last stage of a common main sequence star's life.
What is a white dwarf?
Most stars belong to this group on the HR diagram.
What is the main sequence category?
Triple Jeopardy!
All stars begin with these two elements
Hydrogen and Helium
We live in the _ _ galaxy.
What is the MILKY WAY?
What are stars on the HR diagram arranged by?
What is temperature and luminosity(brightness)?
Quadruple Jeopardy!
The remains of a high mass star
What is a black hole or neutron star
Double Jeopardy!
On the HR diagram, this group of stars are very hot but have a low luminosity
What are white dwarfs?
The force that drives the life cycle of a star is _____.
What is GRAVITY?
On the HR diagram, the sun is this color.
What is yellow?
The higher a star is on the HR diagram, the _____________ it is.
Red giants are _HIGH/LOW__ in temperature, and _HIGH/LOW_ in brightness.
What is LOW temperature and HIGH brightness.
Double Jeopardy!
The coolest stars are this color on the HR diagram.
What is color red?
White dwarfs are located _HIGH/LOW_ on the HR Diagram because they are _BRIGHT/DIM_.
What is LOW and DIM?
Double Jeopardy!
The 3 types of galaxies are __, __, __ and the milky way is ____.
What is spiral, elliptical, and irregular and spiral?
A massive star exploding.
What is a supernova?
the earliest stage of a star's life that forms in the nebula
What is a protostar?
This group of stars have high luminosity but cool temperatures.
What are red super giants?
A piece of ice and rock with a tail of ice and dust is a __.
What is a comet?
What is a Light year? What is it a measure of?
The distance light travels in a a year. (9 trillion Km) It‘s a measure of distance.
Double Jeopardy!
The MOST massive stars will become this celestial object that is so massive, even light cannot escape.
Increases from right to left on the HR diagram
The hottest stars on the HR diagram are _?_ color.
What is BLUE?
Another word for brightness is _.
What is Luminosity or Magnitude?
Double Jeopardy!
What is an AU?
The average distance between Earth and the Sun. Used to measure distance in our Solar System.