The early years
Will's Shenanigans
Mission & College
Medical School
Will & McCall

How much did Will weigh at birth?

What is 9 pounds 4 ounces

What competitive sporting event did Will start in the scout tent that was carried on for years with the Country Crossing Scout Troop?

What is WWE wrestling (in their tighty whitees)?


Where did Will serve his mission?

What is Charlotte, North Carolina? (Bonus: What was the name of his mission president and wife? And what are their current callings?)


List 3 doctors Will shadowed while at BYUI

What is Dermatology, ER, and OB/Gyn?


What is their favorite restaurant?

What is ?????


What was the first sport Willie played as a child?

What is indoor soccer at Marv Jensen Rec Center?


List two devices, dangerous or not, that Will constructed at home.

What is a Potato Gun and a Menora 2000? 

What were Will's parents and silbings chanting when he was dropped off at the MTC?

What is Elder Bill?


What was Will's favorite rotation?

What is Plastic Surgery?


Name four qualities that describe Will & McCall's ability to succeed through medical school?

What is faith, endurance, determination, tenacity, resilience, humility and flexibility. (Bonus if you can name one more!)


As a little boy, in what attire did Will spray off his sisters toys in the backyard?

What is nude and in his boots?


What Low Profile Motorized Vehicle did Will build and strap to a skateboard that spewed sparks and created an uproar with Grandma James? 

What is a Grandma's orange upholstered chair?


What is a memorable experience from Will's mission?

What is the poverty he saw in the South?

What was Will's soda of choice to keep him awake and alert on his drives back and forth from Temple?

What is Diet Mountain Dew? (Bonus: what was a favorite snack along the way?)


What year did Will & McCall graduate from BYUI?

What is 2018? (Bonus: What were their majors?)


As a young child where did he place his chubby little hand when falling asleep with his mom and dad?

What is under his mom's chin?


What character did Will dress up as when he won Mr. Hampton's math competition at Herriman High School?

What is Willie Wonka? Bonus: What was the math class?


What term did Will use in relation to all the quotes and sayings from his mission president?

What is "Cravenisms?"


What is the longest Will has stayed awake while on rotation?

What is 24 hours?

How far in the future do Will & McCall usually plan? 2 yr, 5 yr, 10 yr, 15 yr, or 20 yr?

What is 10 years?


What solo did 3 year old Willie sing with Sunshine Generation Christmas performance?

What is "I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas."


What device did Will and his dad build that required an apology to the neighbors?

What is a backyard bomb?


What were two of Will's favorite classes during his undergrad?

Biophysiology and Science 101


What was Will's sidegig during Medical school? (Bonus if you can list two.)

What is Med School Insiders and ??


What business did Will & McCall run out of their spare bedroom at BYU Idaho?

What is a custom wood furniture company? Bonus: What are three articles of furniture Will built for their family? Will built all of the following and maybe more - Coffee table, Kitchen table, King size bed, Dining room table.
