Our first dog's name was Lucy, but Grace at 3 thought this should be her name.
This is the name of the musical performance group Grace was a part of for 4 years
North Star Kids
The "meal" Grace picks to have at parties where she is the guest of honor.
walking taco's
When Grace was about 9 years old in was her birthday which she described as "the best day ever". when getting mad at her brothers she said....
"this is the worst day EVER, it started out good"
Nunnie and Grace have funny conversations. If it were a podcast, the title would be this.
"I'll be Darned"
The Musical/Movie that made Grace manifest her trip to Greece.
Mama Mia
The guilty pleasure box food Grace has loved since she was 3!
Kraft Mac and Cheese
The movie that Grace has watched 1000 times and will probably watch again and again and again
When Harry Met Sally
Grace went to this preschool.
Berkely Hills Preschool
This is the mini musical that Nataile and Grace performed in together at CLO (and btw Natalie was way too old to be in it :) )
Horton Hears a Who
During quarantine Grace made this daily, the Aunt Catherine way and had to be shut off!!
This was Pappy's nick name for Grace.
Stinky Pinky
The name of the musical Grace performed in her senior year of high school.
Once Upon a Mattress
Grace's favorite meal that Mom makes.
Pasta with Tomatoes, Garlic, basil and shrimp