Main Idea
Context Clues
A little bit of everything
What other words can be used in place of main idea? A. mainly about B. mostly about C. central message D. All of the above
D. All of the above
What character trait best describes the people of the village? A. greedy B. argumentative C. problem-solver D. supportive
B. argumentative
How can you find out the meaning of an unknown word in a passage?
Use clues in the story to find out the meaning of the unknown word.
Which answer best describes what the story "The Little Girl and the Boulder" is? A. a poem B. a fictional story C. an article with facts D. an opinion paper
B. a fictional story
The theme of a story can also be called the... A. main idea B. problem C. lesson D. moral
C and D
What is the main problem in the story?
There is a boulder in the middle of the road and no one can move it.
What can you INFER about the villagers from the text when it said, "The people scratched their heads." A. They needed to shower. B. They were tired. C. They were confused. D. They were happy.
C. They were confused.
A few people decided that the village should construct a new road. But they could not agree on where to build the road. Using the clues from the text, what does construct mean?
How did the boulder get into the middle of the road?
An earthquake sent it rolling into the road.
What is the story The Little Girl and the Boulder mostly about? A. People arguing about a boulder in the road. B. A small girl solves a problem for her village. C. Earthquakes can cause huge boulders to move. D. No one in the village can think of a way to solve a problem.
B. A small girl solves a problem for her village.
Which character trait best describes the little girl? A. shy B. curious C. thoughtful D. weak
C. thoughtful
But no matter how hard he pushed, the boulder would not budge. Some villagers tried to push it. It just would not move. Using the clues from the text, what does budge mean?
not move
From the details in the story, you can tell that the boulder was... A. big but light B. big and heavy C. small but very heavy D. gray and full of mud
B. big and heavy
The passage teaches the reader A. Don't underestimate the youth B. Be nice to others C. Teamwork equals success D. Boulders are hard to move
A. Don't underestimate the youth
What detail from the story helps us know the story takes place long ago, the A. earthquake B. carts and wagon C. boulder D. market
B. carts and wagon
What inferences can you make about the people of the village the next time a problem occurs?
They will listen to the little girl.
Then I made the hole wider and wider until the boulder tumbled into the hold. After it tipped and rolled into the hold, I covered the boulder with dirt. Using clues from the text, what does the word tumbled mean?
to fall down, roll over, or move
Which is NOT a cause and effect from the story A. Because there was a boulder in the road, the people in the village could not drive their carts along the road to the market. B. Because there was an earthquake, there was a huge boulder in the middle of the road. C. Because the village people could not agree with one another, they argued D. Because the little girl moved the boulder, the village people were sad.
D. Because the little girl moved the boulder, the village people were sad.
What word best describes the theme of The Little Girl and The Boulder? A. honesty B. friendship C. teamwork D. resourcefulness
D. resourcefulness
What could be another title for this passage? A. Small people, Big Problems B. The Earthquake C. Little Girl, Big Idea D. A Big Argument
C. Little Girl, Big Idea
What clue helped you predict that the little girl would move the boulder?
A little girl quietly sat nearby with her hand under her chin. She thought and thought. At last, she stood up. Then she said, "I know how to get the boulder out of the road." This made me think she had a plan!
Long ago, in a small Japanese village, an earthquake shook the ground. It sent a huge boulder rolling into the road. Happily, no one was hurt. Using the clues from the text, what does boulder mean?
A large, heavy rock
Name three details that explain how the little girl moved the boulder.
1. She dug a hole next to the boulder. 2. She made the hole wider and wider until the boulder fell into the hole. 3. She covered the boulder with dirt.
What line in the text supports the theme of the story?
What is "The smallest among them had solved the biggest problem."