Three references for allusion
types of allegories - besides The Little Prince
What are fairytales - Hansel and Gretel
"powder your nose" or "passed away" or "let go"
what are euphemisms
The tool kit and literary terms - a tool /literary device for doing a job or understanding an aspect of literature.
What was wrong with two of the sheep that the pilot draws
What is a metaphore and
What is too old or too sick or it has horns and is not a sheep
I read that story. It was okay. Nothing special,just a solid piece of writing. Nothing dramatic happened.
Not taken seriously because of his clothes.
What is prosaic
What is the Turkish astronomer
To "dirty" as in, to ruin one's reputation
Where the Little Prince came from
what is besmirched
What is asteroid B-612
I don't want a large portion of poltry. I will have a small and hardly worth eating amount.
What the Prince loves to do.
A vicious circle
What is paltry
What are watching sunsets.
Who is the drunkard
Cows in India
"Housekeeping for the Little Prince" - name two
What is sacrosanct
What is clean out your volcanoes and pick out the baby boabab seedlings and protect the rose from drafts and wild animals
I took an Advil to _________ my headache
According the the Little Prince, the only worthwhile job.
The Little Prince says this about his flower. And it is a vocab word for us
What is assuage?
What is the Lamplighter
What is ephemeral?
"But I am more powerful than a king's finger"
What the geographer does not deem important enought to record.
What is the snake?
what is his flower
The snake says, "I can take you further than a ship" A literary term
What or "who" the Prince finds when he climbs the mountain.
what is a euphemism
what is an echo
What the desert flower says about people
What is "I'm lonely, I'm lonely..."
What is the wind blows them away;they have no roots. There are only 6 or 7 of them.