Hearing this hyphenated sound of tiny feet means you have kids in the house or mice
Each Fall Alabama and this SEC football archrival meet in the Iron Bowl
When you have two unpleasant options someone might tell you to do this which sounds like one could be strychnine
Pick your poison
Tests given where there is a list of possible answers
Multiple Choice
A duty on imported goods
After a few hours in the sun I'm ready to drink a cold drink this way; also an engine sound
When is the first day of Autumn 2020?
September 22, 2020
When Picard wanted something to happen quickly on Star Trek:The Next Generation he often said this
Make It So
Conagra started this frozen food brand after it's CEO suffered a heart attack
Healthy Choice
This dog crossbreed began in England around 1860 to guard against poachers
If your high-flying idea turns out to be a dud it lands with this sound that rhymes with dud
An October festival for harvest of these fruit have been held for decades in Arendtsville, PA
When you lavishly entertain someone you do this rhyming phrase perhaps with Merlot & Steak
Wine & Dine
In this kind of poker the player holding the deck picks the Game
Dealer's Choice
To scrape up your shoes
A group of crows is know as this?
The name of the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox.
Harvest Moon
If you do this you're either literally handing a dollar bill to someone or shifting responsibility
Pass The Buck
A label or stamp you may see on your package of steak.
USDA Choice
In a kid's tale it follows three billy goats
Kareem-Abdul-Jabaar's real name?
Ferdinand Lewis Alcindor Jr
Lew Alcindor
Sometimes called quaking this tree brings glorious color to Autumn in Colorado; Also a city in Colorado
An Obama rallying cry for Spanish-speaking potential voters "Si Se Puede" means this in English
Yes We Can
Nestle introduced this instant hot beverage in the mid 1960's
Taster's Choice
This term for a top law enforcement official comes from the English for reeve of the shire