US Tourism
Summer Time
Food & Drink
4-Letter Words

With an average annual attendance of over 58 million visitors, this is the most visited vacation resort in the world. Magic Kingdom. Epcot Center and Animal Kingdom are just a few of the parks this place has to offer. Most children who visit hope to get their picture taken with a princess or a very famous mouse!

Walt Disney World


An expanse of sand or pebbles along a shore, the part of the shore of an ocean, sea, large river, lake, etc., washed by the tide or waves.



This notorious nocturnal animal isn’t actually scary, but many think so! It is able to fly with winged membranes stretching over thin bones that allow it to flap its wings. It eats 6,000 to 8,000 insects each night.



This delicious summer treat is usually ready to be picked in the middle of July. The Midwest, especially Iowa, boasts the best variety around. It can be grilled, boiled, or microwaved and is usually served with butter and salt.

Sweet Corn


A group of musicians.



This US city is filled with history museums, monuments and statues and government buildings. Some of the top attractions include the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, the National Museum of African American History and Culture, the U.S. Capitol and the Lincoln Memorial. 

Washington D.C.


To move in water by movements of the limbs, fins, tail, etc.



This is the largest animal anywhere on Earth. It can weigh up to 400,000 pounds — that’s approximately 33 elephants! They are also the loudest animal, with their calls able to be heard by other members of their species hundreds of miles away.

Blue Whale


This refreshing summer beverage is best when the juice is squeezed fresh, then added to water and sugar. There are many powders on the market to make a quick pitcher, but for a real treat, make it from scratch!



A piece of furniture typically having a flat top for writing, reading, or using a computer, and often drawers or compartments.



People from all over the world have journeyed to watch the famous geyser, Old Faithful, erupt. This geyser as well as wildlife and scenery inspired the establishment of this, the world’s first national park, in 1872. What is the name of this national park?

Yellowstone National Park


A game between 2 nine-player teams played for nine innings on a diamond-shaped infield that has home plate and three other bases which form a circuit that must be completed by a base runner in order to score. The central offensive action entails hitting a pitched ball with a wooden or metal bat and running the bases, the winner being the team scoring the most runs.



This animal's brain is so far away from it's heart that it's heart must pump twice as hard as most for blood to reach it! This animal only lives in Africa, unless it in captivity in a zoo. 



This is a sausage made of pork, spices, and herbs, sometimes without a casing, usually served sautéed or broiled. In the summer you'll likely grill it and throw it in a bun with lots of fixings!



A strong feeling of affection and concern toward another person, as that arising from kinship or close friendship, or a romantic attraction.



Mackinac Island sits in Lake Huron, one of the 5 Great Lakes. Mackinac Island State Park, with trails, woods and the limestone Arch Rock formation, covers most of the island. Founded in 1780, Fort Mackinac is a walled cluster of military buildings on a coastal bluff. In which US state is this island located?



This is an outdoor activity that involves staying the night or more than one night in a protective shelter out in nature. It is a way of getting away from the hassle of urban life, to a more natural environment for a limited time.



85% of Earth's plant life is found where?

The Ocean


This is a large, round and elongated fruit of a trailing vine. It's considered part of the gourd family and has a hard, green rind and a sweet, juicy, usually pink or red pulp.



A perennial woody plant having a main trunk and usually a distinct crown.



This is considered one the best things to do when visiting southern California. For many visitors to Los Angeles, there is no more coveted photo than a shot of this world famous sign. Though it is visible from all over the city from its lofty perch on Mt. Lee, it can be difficult to get a good photo. Many are surprised to learn that it's illegal to get close to the sign, which is set behind restricting gates and protected by security cameras and Park Rangers.  A Los Angeles Police Department officer is also stationed at the Sign 24/7. Which sign is it?

Hollywood Sign


This summer Olympic sport is a game for two teams in which the object is to keep a ball in motion, back and forth over a high net, by striking it with the hands before it touches the ground. Men's and women's teams alike compete in this event. 



This delicious, sweet fruit is the only fruit who's seeds grow on it's outside!



Perfect as a side dish to bring to any cookout, this summer favorite includes noodles of any kind, vegetables and a dressing to pull it all together!

Pasta Salad


A fundamental unit of length in both the US Customary System and the British Imperial System, equal to 3 feet, or 36 inches.

