What was Jacob & Laura for halloween in 2023?
The Oncler & the Lorax
Who are the current inhabitants of the Long House?
Jacob, Laura & Xie
What are the last two Long House pets?
Beans & Curly
whats become the Long House popular video game?
what is first room you enter when entering the long house?
the fireplace room
Who usually sent out the party invites?
who was in the long house from 2021-2022?
Jacob, Laura, Gabby & Jazmine
What's the name of the 3-legged dog?
What's the word for when someone drops a cup in ragecage?
what two things were on the side of the doorway?
vine lamps
what year did we have a smoke machine?
who was the first to be in the long house?
Who was the biggest dog in the Long House?
what was used to chug drinks?
skull tube
How many sets of couches were there in the long house?
4 sets
What year was the biggest halloween party?
what 3 roommates were in the long house between 2022-2023?
Kenzie, Jamie and Laura
what was the name of the first cat at the long house?
In what game does the "King doth decree.."?
Kings cup
what garage door were you never supposed to park in front of?
right one
What was jacob and Laura for halloween in 2022?
Los Muertos
Who were the first 3 inhabitants of the Long House?
Gabby, Jacob & Sawyer
What was the name of the first Long House pet?
What two game console has the long house had?
WiiU and Nintendo Switch
What was the top of the bar made out of?
a closet door