The city that Daniel was from
The food and drink Daniel and the 3 young men asked to have for their fast
vegetables and water
3 years
Daniel told the king that no one could tell him the meaning of his dream except ___
The name of the false god of the babylonians
The city that Daniel and the other israelites were taken to during the captivity
The number of days it took for Daniel and the three young to look better than the other king's men
10 days
Daniel was a man of p___r
What Daniel did before God revealed the meaning of the king's dream to him
went home and prayed
When Daniel refused to stop praying, he was sent to the ___ den
The tribe that Daniel was from
The type of drink the king's men were used to drinking as part of their diet
Daniel was around ____ years old when he was appointed as governor
People from these two professions that King Nebuchadnezzar called on to interpret his dream before Daniel
Magicians and astrologers
God sent an ___ to close the mouth of the lions
Bel was an idol worshipped by which people?
The name of the person Daniel asked permission to fast from
Daniel was one of ____ (number) governors
In the king's dream, the statue's head was made of ____
Who did Daniel prove to be the ones decievingly eating the food set before Bel?
the "priests" of Bel
The name of the king of Babylon
King Nebuchadnezzar
God worked in Ashpenaz' heart so that he liked Daniel
Daniel was praying openly ____ times a day after hearing that no one was allowed to worship the true God
The different parts of the statue represented different _____
How did Daniel prove that the priests were lying to the people about the food that Bel "ate"
There were footsteps found in the ashes that Daniel asked to be put on the floor