Sean Bean plays one of the nine walkers dies in the Fellowship of the Ring in the movie, but in the books dies in the Two Towers.
Who is Boromir?
This mountain plays a vital role in the trilogy and may be seen as the destination for "There and Back Again".
What is the Lonely Mountain?
This book is mainly concerned around the story of the Silmarils.
What is the Silmarillion?
This composer wrote the score for both The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit trilogies.
Who is Howard Shore?
During this war J.R.R. Tolkien enlisted to the army and fought in the Battle of the Somme.
What is the First World War / The Great War?
These ancient creatures are first encountered in the Forest of Fangorn and are the "shepherds" of the trees.
Who are the Ents?
The last "great" dragon of Middle-earth and slain by Bard the Bowman.
Who is Smaug?
The main villain in the Silmarillion which Aragon briefly mentions to Frodo and the other Hobbits in the Fellowship of the Ring.
"In those days the Great Enemy, of whom Sauron of Mordor was but a servant, dwelt in Angband in the North..."
Who is Morgoth / Melkor?
This song is one for the most iconic tracks for the Hobbit trilogy, sung by Richard Armitage whom listened to Russian choral music when preparing for it together with the others in the cast.
Which song is Misty Mountains?
The personal faith of J.R.R. Tolkien manifests in several ways and in letter 142 this is confirmed.
"fundamentally religious and [redacted] work; unconsciously so at first, but consciously in the revision"
What is Catholicism (Roman Catholic)?
This scene is well known for Viggo Mortensen breaking two toes while filming the scene.
When did Aragon kick the helmet?
The number of members of Thorin Oakenshield's company.
What is the number 15?
13 Dwarves
1 Hobbit
1 Maia
The Adventures of [redacted redacted] is a collection of poetry related to a merry character notoriously completely left out of Peter Jacksons' trilogy.
Who is Tom Bombadil?
The soundtracks for the films are filled with world-renowned musicians, this specific musician was knighted in 2001 and is playing the Flute.
Who is Sir James Galway?
The birthplace of J.R.R. Tolkien, Bloemfontein in the Orange Free State under Brittish suzerainty when he was born on 3 January 1892 now belongs to another country.
Which country is South Africa?
A character known for his travels and poetry wrote this about Aragon.
All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;[...]
Who is Bilbo Baggins?
The first chapter in the Fellowship of the Ring, is called "A Long-expected Party" referencing the first chapter of the Hobbit.
What is "An Unexpected Party"?
Throughout all books within the Tolkien legendarium are references to other frame stories, such as books, stories and poetry within the legendarium itself, this book is mentioned in several of the published books, including the Lord of the Rings trilogy and is in the beginning a red leather-bound diary.
What is the Red Book of Westmarch / Bilbos diary / the Red Book?
This track in The Battle of the Five Armies is sung by Billy Boyd whom in the Return of the Ring sang The Green Dragon and Edge of Night.
Which song is The Last Goodbye?
A person close to J.R.R. Tolkien, being the source of the complex love story of LĂșthien and Beren and to whose tombstone J.R.R. Tolkien in letter 340 requested the inscription "LĂșthien".
Who was J.R.R. Tolkiens wife, Edith Tolkien?
J.R.R. Tolkien wrote in letter 246 about a specific event where Frodo "failed".
"Frodo indeed 'failed' as a hero, as conceived by simple minds: he did not endure to the end; he gave in, ratted. [...] I do not think that Frodo's was a moral failure."
Why did Frodo not destroy the Ring?
J.R.R. Tolkien changed the depiction of one of the characters after the release of the Swedish translation which was heavily criticized due to Tove Janssons illustrations.
Who is Gollum?
This book is the first story which J.R.R. Tolkien started to write in the Tolkien legendarium, but was released posthumously in 2018 edited by his son Christopher Tolkien.
What is The Fall of Gondolin?
This somber theme is well known for its transformation throughout the Two Towers and The Return of the King and transforms with the outlook of its kingdom.
What is the Rohan Theme?
J.R.R. Tolkien wrote in letter 246 about a specific member of the fellowship.
"My [redacted] is indeed a reflexion of the English soldier, of the privates and batmen I knew in the 1914 war, and recognised as so far superior to myself."
Who is Sam Gamgee?