Vocabulary 1
Vocabulary 2
Comprehension 1
Comprehension 2

Increased very quickly

What is the definition of exploded?


presented to a person or group

What is the definition of submitted?


Turn to page 81. Humans used various materials to print books. In what order were the book materials mentioned in Chapter 1 invented?

tablets, papyrus, parchment, paper


Turn to page 89. What does the term "e-books" mean? (What does the "e" stand for?)

electronic books


What is the author's purpose for writing "The Making of a Book?"

"The author's purpose is to ______ the readers about ______"

The author's purpose is to inform the readers about the book publishing process.


pleasing or attractive

What is the definition of appealing?


fitting for a particular purpose, person, or occasion

What is the definition of appropriate?


Explain the following statement. Why would a sequence of events diagram best help reader's organize the information in Chapter one?

It would help the reader's understand how the materials improved over time and why they improved. 


How is the information organized in chapter 2? (pages 83-88)

In the order of the creative process. (From writing the story all the way to selling the book.)


What figurative language is being used in the example below? Explain how you know.

Her hair gleamed like the stars under the light.

A simile. They are comparing "hair" to "stars" using the word "like."


working in a reduced or weakened way

What is the definition of impaired?


to work together with others

What is the definition of collaborate?


Look at page ___. Why does the author provide the diagram?

To summarize the information in chapter 2.


How is the information organized in "The Making of a Book" and "The History of the Book?" How do you know?

(compare + contrast | order of importance | problem + solution | chronological order) 

It is in chronological order. I know this because the start from the very beginning of early book writing to modern day.


What figurative language is being used in the example below? Explain how you know.

"I could sleep for days!" I exclaimed. "I'm never staying up late to finish an essay EVER again."

Hyperbole. "sleep for days" and "never... EVER again" are examples of exaggerations.


taking a lot of care and effort

What is the definition of painstaking?


something that completes something else or makes it perfect

What is the definition of complement?


Turn to page 89. What is the purpose of chapter 3? Use details from the text to support your answer.

The purpose of chapter 3 is to talk about modern books and the future of publishing.


Look at pages 80-82. How can you tell this section is organized in chronological order?

(Think about: what keywords from the text hint at this.)

Keywords like "after" "later" "then" show the readers that this section is organized in chronological order.


Identify two nonfiction text features in the text and explain their purpose.

Photographs- shows a realistic visual of a real life person, place or thing.

Illustrations- drawings to show what something or someone looks like.

Captions- description of a photo/illustration.

Headings- title that tells the readers what the paragraphs will be about.


related to a repeated activity, especially an irritating one

What is the definition of repetitive?


discussions with another person in order to reach an agreement

What is the definition of negotiation?


How is "The Making of a Book" different from "The History of the Book?" Use details from the text to support your answer.

"The Making of the Book" talks about the book publication process while "The History of the Book" only talks of the history of book making.

Look at page 81-82. Look at the italicized words. Define ANY two of them based on what the text says.

tablets- "clay blocks"

scribes- "professionals who handwrite books"

printing press- "machine that prints books"

woodcut- "picture carved into a piece of wood"

platen- "letters/words carved in a piece of wood or metal"


What figurative language is being used in the example below? Explain how you know.

I never knew Bethany could run like that!

Alliteration. repetition of the "n" sound in "never" and "knew"
