Accomplishments & Legacy

1657 - 1732

George Washington's great grandfather, John Washington, left England and went to Virginia. Obtaining 150 acres of land in Westmoreland, and immediatealy saw potential. A couple of years later, John secured more land, part of which now makes up Washington D.C., and he established the Wakefield plantation. John's grandson, Augustine Washington, was also a landowner, who married Mary Ball, and in 1732, their first child, none other than George Washington himself, was born. 


Role in the American Revolution?

During the American Revolution, George Washington was the commander in chief of the Continental Army.


1743 - 1749

In 1743, John Washington, George Washington's father, died. George went to his half-brother Augustine in Wakefield, where he attended Henry Williams's school and developed his interests. 

In 1748, George Washington went to his other half-brother in Mount Vernon, where he met Lord Thomas Fairfax, who owned over five million acres in Virginia. Lord Fairfax hired Washington to survey his land beyond the Blue Ridge Mountains, and this work led to Washington being appointed his first public office as the surveyor of Culpeper county in 1749. 


Role in the Constitution?

George Washington was the chairman of the Convention who wrote the Constitution of the United States. 


1752 - 1755

1752: Washington pursued a military career, and was appointed assistant officer for the southern district of Virginia. 

1754: Washington was appointed lieutenant colonel of the militia. Washington and his troops killed the French commander in the attack near Fort Necessity, contributing to the beginning of the French and Indian War. Success in attack led to Washington becoming colonel. 

1755: Washington was appointed commander of all Virginia militia forces. 


Leadership in the goverment?

George Washington was the first president of the United States, and he played a monumental role in the transforming the United States, from a British colony, to a self-governing nation. He led the people through the ideals and principles of a democracy with liberty, which to this day, this principle is still being used by the government and country. 

The second image illustrates the first presidental inaugurtaion in 1789, where Washington was officially admitted to office. 


1759 - 1775

1759: Washington married Martha Dandridge, a young widow. 

1774: Washington was elected to the Virginia delegation in the First Continental Congress, where he and other legislators signed resolutions. 

1775: Washington became the commander in chief of all colonial military forces by the Continental Congress. 

Continental Congress in 1774


Biggest tributes and monuments?

George Washington = Father of the United States. 

1800: The United States capital used to be Philadelphia, but then was moved to the emerging Washington D.C., dedicated and in honor of George Washington.

1853: Congress created the Washington Territory. 

1889: Washington Territory became a state and named, once again, in honor of George Washington. 

Also, the Washington Monument, in Washington D.C, is another piece dedicated to Geroge Washington. 


1789 - 1793

1789: Washington sworn into presidency as the first president of the United States. 

1793: Washington's second inauguration took place where he won all 69 electoral votes. 



George washington (2020). . Ann Arbor: ProQuest. Retrieved from
