Who is Mitch's brother?
What direction is the group heading?
Whose relationship got closer while the group was at the resort?
Rose & Frenchie
Name one element/item/thing that would be considered a Physiological need.
Air, food, etc.
What are the names of the two older characters in the group?
Miigwans & Minerva
Which member of the group is the most recent addition? They came into the group kicking and screaming.
What was Frenchie doing while Rose and some others were learning "language"?
A young squirrel, Nutty, was near her family’s den when a hawk swooped down. Without hesitation, Nutty’s older brother, Rocky saw the danger. Rocky sprinted toward Nutty, letting out a loud, frantic warning. He leaped in front of her just as the hawk dove again and Rocky was caught by the hawk's talons.
What kind of altruism is this?
Kin or biological
Frenchie is part of which Native American tribe?
The group comes across a resort that is named...
What family members did Rose lose?
Her parents, grandmother, & two brothers
The Hierarchy of Needs was developed by what famous psychologist?
How many people total are in the group?
Besides Rose, who is Frenchie close to & he takes care of them.
Minerva tells the story about what mythical creature?
The Rogaru
According the Maslow, what is at the top of the hierarchy, and therefore, the least important for survival and hardest to achieve?
Self Actualization
What character is named Jean?
Frenchie's dad
French almost sacrifices himself for Miigwans by doing what?
Touching an electric fence
At first, Minerva fought the Rogaru, but then they became like _________.
Man & wife
What is the opposite of altrusim?