On Reveal: If you play a card at this location next turn, +3 Power.
Whoever is winning this location gets +4 power to all other locations
Baxter Building
On Reveal: Steal the text from an enemy Ongoing card here.
Ongoing: If your side of this location is full, +4 Power.
The crass, avian detective who wears a piece of clothing that goes over the head
Howard The Hood
On Reveal: Next turn, cards cost 1 more. (maximum 6)
After turn 3, turn all cards here into the Hulk
Gamma Lab
On Reveal: Replace this location with 'Limbo'. Doesn't work after turn 5.
Ongoing: You can move one of your other cards away from here each turn.
Madame Web
To take in or soak up an object
Absorbing Man-Thing
On Reveal: Pick a random card in your hand 3 times. Give +2 Power each time.
On Reveal effects happen twice at this location.
On Reveal: Destroy the card that costs the least in your opponent's deck.
Ongoing: Can't be destroyed, moved, or have its Power reduced.
Not an alpha, but a scarlet protector nonetheless
Omega Red Guardian
On Reveal: Give Thor +6 Power.
Draw 3 cards. Destroy both decks.
On Reveal: Revive one of your destroyed cards and merge with it. That card can move each turn.
Phoenix Force
Ongoing: Your adjacent locations with 2+ cards and no repeated Costs have +5 Power.
Ms. Marvel
A British show about doing various puzzles while also doing this with clay
Taskmaster Mold
Kang The Conqueror
On Reveal: Look at what your opponent did, then restart the turn. (without this)
After you play a card here, swap it with a card in your deck.
Quantum Tunnel
On Reveal: Switch sides.
Green Goblin
Ongoing: Your Costs can't be increased. Your opponent's Costs can't be reduced.
Mobius M. Mobius
We have the man with a plan at home, and they has quite an unlucky number attached to them
U.S. Agent 13