How do we begin the Mass to unite in the Body of Christ?
With an entrance song and procession
This the first half of Bible telling us about the Jews and their history before Jesus.
The Old Testament
We offer up gifts and then prepare what at the beginning of the Liturgy of the Eucharist?
The altar
In properly consuming the Eucharist, you must place it in your mouth when?
Immediately after receiving.
This apostle, originally called Saul, wrote many of the books in the New Testament
St. Paul
During the procession, the priest bows and does what?
Kisses the altar
The Cantor sings this part between the 1st and 2nd readings.
The Responsorial Psalm
In this prayer, that begins with thanksgiving, the celebrant acts as Christ as head of his Church.
The Eucharistic Prayer
Purifying the vessels after communion involves a special linen cloth in what color?
Name the Gospels
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
The sign of the cross
The 2nd reading comes from which part of the Bible that tells about the life and teachings of Jesus
The New Testament
When one of His disciples asked Jesus, "Lord, teach us to pray," He taught us this prayer.
The Lord's Prayer
The Our Father
The celebrant tells us important parish news.
The announcements
The priest talks to the congregation teaching us how to live our lives based on God's word.
The Homily
The Act of Penitence recalls our sins and God's mercy. What are the opening words?
Lord, have mercy
The Gospel
After the Lord's Prayer, we are invited to offer a sign of what to others?
The Sign of Peace
Just as we began Mass, we do this as the celebrant blesses the congregation.
Make the Sign of the Cross.
In the general intercessions, we offer up our prayers to God. What are these intentions called?
The Prayers of the Faithful
What is the opening prayer called?
The Collect
The Nicene Creed
As we are offered the body of Christ, what is our response?
Amen - I believe
After the final blessing, the people are told to do what?
Go forth and spread the Gospel!
This part of the Eucharistic Prayer changes the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ.