54 + 31 - 5
Use your brain to answer 52 - 41 + 50
5 x 6 x 5 / 2 is what?
What are the 4 equal parts of fractions?
1 whole, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4
What are decimal points? (X2 bonus if you get it right!)
The point between 2 numbers
15 + 35 - 34 (X2 bonus if you get it right!)
What are the 4 words in adding, subtracting, multiply, divide?
sum, difference, product and quotient
In dividing, how do you split the number of something into groups?
By giving something and splitting
What does splitting fractions mean?
Means cutting into halves, thirds or any other fractions
What are decimals?
The parts that have a point between any 2 numbers
What is 48 + 15 - 2
What is a fact family?
Groups that add, subtract, multiply, divide to make the same number.
What does splitting mean?
Dividing into groups
What is another way to show fractions? (X2 bonus if you get it right!)
Using decimals and percents
How do decimals relate to fractions?
By having parts of wholes and adding decimal points
What word means losing the big number? (It’s not subtracting)
Taking away
Use your brain to figure out the equation 45 x 31. (X2 bonus if you get it right!)
144 / 12 x 12 is what?
When we have an improper fraction, what do we do?
Make wholes and count how many parts are left
What are 2 other ways we can show decimals?
Using fractions and percents
How do we subtract without using a calculator?
By using your mind and using mental math.
Mental math is using your brain to solve problems. What is another way we can use mental math?
Figuring out the answer
How do we multiply something into groups? (X2 bonus plus 10000 points if you get it right!)
By counting something in each bowl.
What does improper fractions mean?
It is not a right fraction, so we have to make wholes to make sense of it
How do we divide with decimals?
Adding zeroes to make the question good without a remainder