65,078 rounded to the nearest hunred
What is 4741
What is the value of the 2 in 3,425,678
What is 20,000
The number that is equivalent to 7 squared is
What is 49
How many minutes are in a full week.
What is 10,080
67,890 rounded to the nearest 10,000
What is 70,000
What is 433,864
30,982,809 What is the value of the digit 0
TRICK QUESTION, (but if you said "What is 0 for both." you are correct!)
The third planet from the sun
What is Earth
What is the answer to a subtraction promblem
What is the difference
23,456 to the nearest 10,000.
57,644,196 - 49,732,152
What is 7,912,044
438,294,281,304,803,289 What is the digit in the millions
What is 4
Johnny had three apples. Sarah had 9 times as many are Bill. Bill had 3 times as many are Johnny. How many apples does Sarah have?
What is 81 apples
Who was the sencond U.S. president?
Who is John Adams
99,214 rounded to the nearest 10,000
What is 7,525,160
A number has 3 thousands, 2 fewer hundreds than thousands, 5 more tens than hundreds, and 1 less one than ten. What is the number?
What is 3,165
378 / 6
What is 63
Your brain is eatting ____ to feed itself
Closest to 50,000: 48,231 or 51,999
What is 48,231
What is 122,999,502
5,249,768,315 If the digit in the ten millions place is decreased by 2 what will the new number be?
What is 5,229,768,315
4,589 / 7
What is 655 R4
What is a group pigs called?
What is a drove (If you said team you earn only 100 points)