True or False: Mental health stigmas can be any barriers that get in the way of an individual achieving positive mental health.
What is True?
True or False: You can completely eliminate stress by avoiding stressful situations.
What is false?
How many Americans will experience a mental health illness in a given year?
a. 1 in 10 Americans
b. 1 in 5 Americans
c. 1 in 4 Americans
d. 1 in 20 Americans
What is 1 in 5 Americans?
Name two mental health impacts from isolating during the COVID-19 pandemic.
What is...loneliness, confusion, anger, increased stress, disrupted routine(s), etc.
Emotion words, or adjectives?
"Good, bad, okay."
What is adjectives?
Fill in the blank: Mental health [BLANK] is when a person is viewed in a negative way for having a mental health diagnosis.
What is Stigma?
What is one thing you can do to improve your self-esteem?
What out, eat healthy, surround yourself with positive peers/family/adults, challenge self-deprecating thoughts, engage in a new hobby, etc.
Which of the following is NOT a healthy way to cope with uncomfortable/icky feelings?
a. Talking about what you are feeling.
b. Pausing to breathe, to settle your mind and body.
c. Thinking through how to move forward.
d. Yelling at, or blaming others.
e. Listening, without judgement, to what your feelings are telling you.
What is d. Yelling at, or blaming others?
Clinical depression, or Pandemic effect? Sadness, things that bring you pleasure and joy don't interest you anymore, you have less motivation, and more difficulties concentrating.
What is...both, OR, either or.
Which of the following is a list of emotional words?
a. Bad, okay, good.
b. Witty, charming, nice.
c. Happy, sad, excited.
d. Right, wrong, correct.
e. None of the above.
What is c. Happy, sad, excited.
What are some of the harmful effects of stigma?
a. Hesitation to seek help or mental health services.
b. Lack of understanding by family, friends, community members, etc.
c. Fewer opportunities for work and/or school.
d. All of the above.
True or False: Change is easy.
What is False?
True or False: Neuroplasticity is the brain's lack of ability to change, and refers to how the brain stops developing.
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), or pandemic effect?
You worry most days than not, you are worried you might get sick, you are missing school and work due to your worry, and you are worried loved ones might get sick and die.
What is...both, OR, either or?
What are three other words for the emotion, "angry?"
What is...resentful, bitter, salty, upset, mad, cross, annoyed, irritated, exasperated, aggravated, furious, infuriated, etc?
How can you fight against mental health stigmas, and become an advocate for positive mental health?
What is...educate others, know the facts, open up about your own mental health, include everyone, emotional check-ups, talk openly about mental health, be conscious of language, etc.
True or False: Your body knows the difference between physical and psychological threats.
What is false?
What with a friend/family member/trusted adult, talk to a supportive professional at school, talk to a school's Mental Health Therapist, call your health insurance company, seek a referral from your doctor/primary care physician, contact a local mental health agency (like Canvas Health), call crisis phone numbers, etc.
Name three things you did during quarantine to have better mental health.
What is...exercise, go outside (safely), eat healthy meals, bake bread, make motivational TikToks, talk with others virtually, have movie nights, have dance parties, separate fun and school, etc.
What are the primary 6 emotions/feelings? All feeling words are classified under these primary 6 emotions.
*Hint: Think of the movie characters in "Inside Out."
200 points if you can name 4.
What, sadness, disgust, anger, fear, and surprise.
Fill in the blank: There are [BLANK] types of mental health stigma (as identified by the National Alliance on Mental Illness).
Double points if you can name one type.
What is 4? Self-stigma, public stigma, professional stigma, and institutional stigma.
Without knowing the [BLANK], it is hard to manage stress.
a. proper exercises
b. source of stress
c. correct breathing techniques
d. psychology of stress
What is b. Source of stress?
Name two indicators that someone needs professional, mental health help.
What is...struggling to work, struggling to keep up at school, struggling to keep up at home, needs help managing all stressors, misusing substances, engaging in high-risk behaviors, unable to focus, chronic sleeplessness, lack of interest in activities that once brought a person enjoyment, isolating from others, constant fear of being around others, mistrust in people that they are normally close to, frequent angry outbursts, frequent violent acts, sense of guilt/unworthiness, etc.
What is one thing you can do at 916 Mahtomedi Academy to support your mental health?
What with and/or ask for help from any of the staff, look for resources posted in the vestibule, look for resources on Christina's door, tell a staff member when you need alone time, color, get up and have a movement break, eat lunch, drink plenty of water, stretch, communicate what days you will be at school, etc.
Fight, flight, freeze, or faint are our bodies physiological responses to what emotion/feeling?
What is stress and/or fear?