Who ran away after Gregor had appeared?
Who is the Manager?
Who cared for Gregor the most?
Who is Grete?
What is Gregor's job?
What is Traveling salesman?
Who found Gregor dead?
Who is the maid?
What was the mother’s reaction to Gregor’s transformation?
What is fainted?
Who had the hardest time adjusting to Gregor's change?
Who is Grete?
Where did Gregor hide when someone entered his room?
Where is under the couch?
What was the soul purpose of Gregor keeping his job?
What is his parents debt?
What did the family call Gregor after he died.
What is it?
What was the first thing that Gregor repulsed in his new life form?
What is milk?
What did the dad do a majority of the time?
What is sit around?
What did Gregor study when he got home?
What is train schedules?
What job does Grete have after?
What is Traveling saleswoman?
How did the family react to Gregor’s death?
What is uninterested?
What was Gregor’s initial reaction to his new life form?
What is he thought it was a nightmare?
What two things were Grete learning
What is French and shorthand?
In the photo on Gregor’s wall what was the women wearing?
What is fur?
What failed, causing the family to be in debt?
What is business?
What did the family do for Grete post Gregor's death?
What is they looked for a husband?
How did Kafka set the seen to seem like it was a dream?
What is he made Gregor unable to comprehend his form?
Why did they need the lodgers?
What is money?
What was in Gregor’s hand in the picture of him on his wall?
What is a sword?
What were the requirements that Gregor had to hold for his job?
What is being on time?
What did his family do that they hadn’t done in months, after his death?
What is they left, and took the electric tram all together.
What weather type was outside Gregor’s window after waking up as a Beetle?
What is rainy?