The name for a group of people who all have the same job and are really good at it
A guild
A typical medieval house had this many floors
One floor
90% of people were considered this the Middle Ages
Who is the head of the Catholic Church?
The Pope
What is the name of the plague bacterium?
Yersinia pestis
Who owned the farming land?
The lord of the manor
How many rooms did peasant houses have?
One room or two
What is the name of the land which the villagers used to graze their animals?
The common
Who is higher in power? The king or the Pope?
The Pope
Who did people believe was responsible for the black death?
God or the Jews
What was farming system used?
The three Field system
People from the Middle Ages would bring these into their houses at night
farm animals
Name the form of entertainment for the poor that involved animals
Bear baiting
What is the action of officially excluding someone from participation in the sacraments and services of the Christian Church called?
What are the four humors?
Blood, phlegm, black bile and yellow bile
What is the name of farming tool used to cut wheat?
Scythe or sickle
True or false: Most villagers had ready access to fresh meat from the forests surrounding their cottages.
The village and it's surroundings were called....
What was the name of the idea that kings were given the right to rule from God?
The divine right of kings
What is the specific number that the black death killed in Medieval times?
75 - 100 million people
Who introduced feudalism to England?
William the Conqueror
In which century did the 'Middle Ages' begin and end?
What was the commonly drunk beverage in medieval Europe?
What is the name of the pope that made the church more powerful?
Pope Gregory
How did the Black Death lead to social mobility in the medieval period?
It weakened the feudal lord's control over the peasantry and freed peasants from their responsibilities under feudalism