Has a social smile (smiles when others smile at them)
What is 2 months?
Puts an item in a container
12 months
This is an assessment of developmental problems or delays done by the doctor during well-child visits and includes any parental concerns that are expressed.
What is developmental surveillance?
Has stranger awareness
What is 9 months old?
Copies a circle
What is it called when a child loses skills he/she previously had?
What is regression?
Makes eye contact
What is 2 months?
What is 9 months
What 4 things should you do if a child has a speech delay?
What is 1)ask questions/examine, 2) screen, 3) send for a formal hearing evaluation (neurologic and conductive), 4) refer for developmental testing?
Parallel plays (plays next to and sometimes with other children)
What is 30 months (2.5 years)?
Can draw a square
What is 4 years old?
The first age at which the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that children be screened for developmental delays or disabilities.
What is 9 months?
Stoops, picks up a toy, and recovers
What are physical developmental milestones of a 16 month old?
How much speech is intelligible at 3 years old?
What is 75% (3/4)?
First age a child will point to something of interest.
What is 18 months?
2 Parts (50% each): 1)Looks for things he/she sees a parent hide. 2)Looks for toys when dropped out of sight but will forget about the object if not found
1) What is 12 months?
2) What is 9 months?