The original Final Fantasy has 6 jobs that are in FFXIV. 100 points for each one you can name. (They're all 'tier 2', 3 DoW and 3 DoM)
Warrior, Monk, Ninja, Red Mage, Black Mage, White Mage
What was the 8th Umbral Calamity?
The Empire unleashed Black Rose at the Ghimlyt Dark, and the Light-aspected gas fed on the aether seeping in from the First to become a deadly cloud that decimated most of the living population.
What is the most common title in the game?
Heart of the Party (10 Commendations)
What city-state planned for 1.0 was not included in the game on release?
Ala Mhigo
Who is the final boss of FRU?
This FFV amnesiac, eventually revealed to be the king of another planet, tragically dies and grants his power and abilities to his granddaughter. They share the names of another grand-father/daughter pair in FFXIV.
Galuf and Krile Baldesion
How is the elder primal Bahamut related to the elder dragon Bahamut (Tiamat's mate)?
Dragon Bahamut led the Meracydians into battle and was slain. Tiamat tried to summon him back to life but only brought back an angry shade of him.
This race/gender combo, on the character panel and character creation screen, has one leg that is noticeably shorter than the other
Female Au Ra
Before it became a role action, Quickcast required 28 levels in this class before it was unlocked for others?
Solve this Nael quote:
"From hallowed moon I descend, upon burning earth to tread! "
Lunar Dynamo (donut aoe), Raven's Dive (spread), Thermionic Beam (stack)
The Sigmascape series of raids, Warring Triad, and both the kingdom of Doma and Hien's theme all originate from this game.
Final Fantasy VI
What are the Four High Houses of Ishgard?
Durendaire (Astrologian sidekick Jannequinard)
Dzemael (as in the Dzemael Darkhold)
Fortemps (You know this one)
Hallienarte (Machinist mentor Stephanivien)
Which Stormblood job quest is a murder mystery involving a cursed sword called Heartstrike?
(Courtesy of Killeon)
Which scrapped job in 1.0, which would have started in Limsa Lominsa, later became the basis for a different job in a later expansion?
Cruise Chaser shares phase 3 of TEA with this boss.
Brute Justice!!! (Goblin voltron)
These two superbosses have appeared in many Final Fantasy titles, with one eternally chasing the other; they featured in similar roles the same expansion in FFXIV.
Omega and Shinryuu
What is "Nael" Deus Darnus' true name?
(Nael was her brother, who died and was replaced by her.)
What were the Four Fiends of the Thirteenth named after?
Characters in Dante's Divine Comedy (Barbariccia, Sacmeglione, Cagnazzo, Rubicante)
What is the name of the buff that was previously required to beat Delubrum Reginae (savage)?
(Double points if you know how to get it!)
Pride of the Lioness - 2hr major stat boost
(acquired by winning a 1v1 against an optional mini-boss)
How many LB3s are required in the final phase of TOP?
(Each player gets a buff that allows a free one, and you generate 3 full gauges naturally throughout the phase)
The Weapons (Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald, Diamond, and Ultima[te]) make their debut in this game, where they are spawned by the planet itself to combat an invading force.
(Double points if you can list which ones you actually fight!)
(Ultima is the only required fight; Sapphire and Diamond die in cutscenes, and Ruby and Emerald are both optional superbosses)
How is a yalm defined?
The height of an 'One Adult Lalafellin male'
(an ilm is 'one Hyur thumb')
What is the naming convention for Pallas Athena's (P12S) attacks?
Officially disproven scientific theories
(Geocentricism, The Classical Concepts, Caloric Theory, etc)
You needed this item to dispel slyph illusions of your allies in a removed ARR quest
Trueform Scalebombs
How do you save Haurchefant in DRU?
A tank needs to LB3, which will give him enough DR to survive while the raid destroys the spear threatening to pierce his shield (again).
(Fun fact, if you fail this mechanic, you're brought back to phase 2 (of 7), but kept alive!)