Vocab 2
Short Answer
Short Answer 2
The theory of natural selection that claims that those species that successfully adapt to their environments survive and those that do not become extinct.
What is Darwinism?
A temporary cease-fire or stop to warfare, usually preceding the signing of a treaty.
What is an armistice?
These 3 men had a profound influence on change in the 20th century due to their taboo theories that were introduced to society.
Who are Darwin, Marx and Freud?
Two of the major changes that occurred in Great Britain during the reigns of Victoria and Edward VII.
What are Independence was gained by several colonies, Britain experienced social reform, a rise in literacy, Labour party grew in power, and a widespread socialist ideology?
This is the reason literature, following World War II was so dark and pessimistic.
What is the type of governmental control acted to reflect people's moods. War left people to know that state of life so they wrote about what they knew?
The notion that in human society, as in nature, only the fittest should survive and flourish.
What is Social Darwinism?
Looking into one's own mind or feelings.
What is introspection?
These are the 3 ways Darwin, Marx, and Freud affected British society.
What are undermining the political, religious and psychological assumptions of society?
The two major causes of human behavior according to Sigmund Freud?
What are sexual drive and the unconscious and its mysteries?
This is the reason that Britain could NOT hold on to its colonies.
What is Britain was working toward recovering from war and rebuilding its own economy?
An experimentation with form and content that focused on sexuality, new conceptions of time and the workings of human consciousness.
What is modernism?
A type of government that is rigidly nationalistic and that relies on the rule of a single dictator whose power is absolute and backed by force.
What is fascism?
The most influential English-language writer of the early twentieth century?
Who is James Joyce?
The majority of enlisted members were slaughtered.
What is one devastating effect of Britain's entry into World War 1?
This is what the group The Angry Young Men criticized.
What is intellectuals and the boring lives of the middle class?
A response to colonial oppression of native cultures
What is negritude?
The form of literature that explored issues of personal identity and the effects of cultural domination and racism.
What is postcolonial literature?
Russia's totalitarian government was based on the political theories of this economist.
Who is Karl Marx?
This is how the art, literature and music of the early 20th century is described.
What is bold, colorful and primitive (sexual)?
This is how Achebe and Soyinka felt about the negritude movement.
What is the felt that it cloaked Africa's precolonial past in a nostalgia of innocence?
A literary style that combines realistic details with the incredible events recounted in a matter-of-fact tone.
What is magic realism?
Literature that deals with the issues of women's rights, multiculturalism, the environment, and nuclear destruction.
What is postmodern literature?
This man and his people capitalized on Germany's economic woes to convince many Germans that their problems were caused by Jews, Communists, and immigrants.
Who is Adolf Hitler?
These are the three reasons James Joyce was known as the most influential English-language writer of the early 20th century.
What are his use of myth, symbol and Freudian consciousness?
These are the two major issues that women dealt with during the Modern era.
What is a woman's lack of power and her secondary status is society?