It is a number referring to 6.02x1023.
Avogadro's number?
The answer when converting 8.00 moles of Sodium Chloride to formula units.
4.82x1024 formula units of NaCl?
The answer when converting 1.01g of Hydrogen and 16.0g of Oxygen into moles.
1.00 mole of H and O?
The answer when converting 90.0g of Helium to molecules.
1.35x1025 molecules of He
The unit amount of a substance used for measuring large quantities of very small entities such as atoms or molecules
"It is equal to 1 mole"
The answer when converting 6.00 moles of Silver to atoms.
3.61x10^24 atoms of Ag?
The answer when converting 30.0g of Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) to moles.
0.499 moles of Si-O2
.How many formula units of NaCl do the 200g have?
2.08x1024 formula units of NaCl
He credited for the idea of that the number of molecules in the substance proportional to its physical mass
Amedeo Avogadro
carbon atom in amu
The answer when converting 3.00 moles of Tricarbon Octaoxide (C3O8) to molecules.
1.81 x 1024 molecules?
The answer when converting 12.0g of Water to moles.
0.667 moles of H2-O
The answer when converting 1.00g of Water(H2O) to molecules.
3.34x1022 water molecule
The molar mass of NH3
17 g/mol
Atoms, molecules, and formula units.
three types of particles
The answer when converting 3.00 moles of Oxygen molecule (O2)to grams.
96 grams
The molar mass of CO2?
44 g/mol
The mass of 1 mole of H2O.
18 g
We have a method for counting atoms, ions, molecules, and formula units by weighing. The counting unit is the...
The answer when converting 2.03x1023 atoms of Helium to moles.
0.337 moles of He?
The answer when converting 5.00 moles of Sodium to grams.
115 grams
The answer when converting 5.88x10^23 molecules of H2O.
17.64 grams
The molar mass of H2SO4.
98 g/mol