Jordan and Trinity suffered at the hands of this individual
This teacher was a legend, featured in our early years of learning
Mr. Lenshyn
What have I hurt the most on my body?
My brain
November 1st (Day after Halloween)
Aaron’s worst enemy: A “friend” who goes to far
Aaron learned a lot about women. Particularly this special product.
This character plagued our memories. All neon, all trauma.
Chris Benoit
How did Jordan get the current bruise on her thigh (who pays attention to me)?
Soccer, someone stomped on me.
What did Purple wish upon Aaron in his final messages?
He hopes he gets cheated on
Aaron’s Greatest Failure: A woman who wanted it ALL
What made Aaron filled with pain?
No nut :(
This person always existed in style. #FunnyHat #British(ButNotWhite)
Once upon a time Jordan had three major ailments at once. What were they?
Concussion, Kidney Stones AND a ruptured cyst
How long did Purple say our relationship was? (Which he was lying about)
8 months
Emilia’s Nightmare of a Meal: How a day out turned sour
This food can be rowdy! What was too eager to come to life?
Chef Boyarde Spaghetti!
Hentai?? Creepy?? What is up with this guy!
Who loves Jordan most? What did she do in 2nd grade? (VERY specific phrasing)
Wrinkled her wrist bone
How many accounts did Purple make on Instagram?