Arthur Fry of the 3M company invented this re-stickable stationery item as a bookmark for his hymnal.
What is the Post-it Note? The adhesive Fry used was invented by fellow 3M scientist Dr. Spencer Silver
A headline from July 30, 1981: “Amid Splendor, Charles Weds _______.”
Who is Diana? Newspapers around the world reported on the royal wedding at St. Paul’s Cathedral.
This is the only acceptable answer when you’re dressed for a special evening and you ask your husband if this dress makes you look fat.
What is (an emphatic) “NO”? Otherwise, he’s looking at a very bad evening. There’s a handbook for men titled Does This Dress Make Me Look Fat?: A Man’s Guide to the Loaded Questions Women Ask.
Park Avenue, Reading Railroad, Marvin Gardens, and jail
What is Monopoly? The game is still going strong, and there are many new versions as well as the classic version.
The season changes to this on Thursday, September 22.
What is fall (or autumn). At one time, spring and fall were thought of as trivial seasons, probably because they are transitional seasons.
This Hungarian teacher and puzzle lover invented his famous puzzle cube in 1974.
Who is Erno Rubik? Since 2003, the World Cube Association has hosted contests to see who can solve a Rubik’s cube the fastest.
Princess Ann (the 2nd born) has had 2 marriages, the first was a famous athlete. Can you name him or his sport?
Captain Mark Phillips was an Olympic gold medal winning Horseman
You run into someone, and you can’t place them for the life of you. They ask if you remember them, and this is the only acceptable answer.
What is, “Of course I remember you”? You hold your breath and pray that they don’t ask you what their name is.
“Come on down!”
What is The Price Is Right? Longtime host Bob Barker retired in 2007 but returned on April 15, 2015, for a one-day appearance as an April Fool’s prank. Bill Cullen was the first host
Name one of the two September astrological signs
What is Virgo or Libra? Those born from September 1–22 are born under the sign of Virgo; those born from September 23–30 are born under the sign of Libra.
These bite-sized peanut butter candies were invented in 1978 and featured in the movie E.T.
What are Reese’s Pieces? Sales of the candy increased by around 60 percent thanks to its status as E.T.’s favorite candy.
Prince Andrew (3rd Born)Married a fiery red haired girl in 1986. Can you name her?
Sarah Ferguson Duchess of York
When someone gives you a gift, no matter how you feel about it, this is the only acceptable response.
What is, “Thank you” (or “I love it” or both)? It slides right off your tongue without even thinking.
Colonel Mustard did it with the candlestick in the conservatory.
What is Clue? The board game was made into a film by the same name.
When you were in school, it’s likely your school year started after this September holiday, which is the first Monday in September
What is Labor Day? For some, the school year starts in August, but the kids get longer breaks throughout the year.
This show of the ’70s stars Gabe Kaplan as the titular teacher, trying to keep up with the antics of the “Sweathogs.”
Welcome Back, Kotter?
Farrah Fawcett was considered for the role of Mrs. Kotter until producers decided audiences wouldn’t buy her as Kaplan’s wife.
Prince Edward (the youngest Royal) the quiet one. Was married in 1999 to.....
Sophie, Countess of Wessex
You’re not really listening to what someone is saying, but you know you have to say something, so you say, “That makes [this].”
You’re not really listening to what someone is saying, but you know you have to say something, so you say, “That makes [this].”
Survey says…
What is Family Feud? Richard Dawson was the longtime host of the show
This is September’s birthstone.
What is sapphire? The gem’s name comes from the Greek and Latin words that mean “blue.
Charlotte Stewart played Laura Ingalls’ teacher on this TV show.
What is Little House on the Prairie? For her portrayal of schoolteacher Eva Beadle, Stewart was nominated for a TV Land “Teacher of the Year” award.
How many children do Prince William and Princess Kate (Prince and Princess of Whales) have and what are their names
Prince George-9
Princess Charlotte-7
Prince Louis-4
When you’re driving somewhere, and you’re late, this phrase is the equivalent of “the dog ate my homework.
What is “Traffic was horrible” (or “I had a flat tire,” “there was an accident,” or anything similar)? When people are late to work, they blame traffic 51 percent of the time.
Vanna White turns the cards on this show.
What is Wheel of Fortune? Pat Sajak is the host. The show has aired since 1981. Sajak was once a weatherman for WSM TV in Nashville, Tennessee.
“September Morn” is a hit song by this artist who also recorded the hits “Cracklin’ Rosie” and “Sweet Caroline.”
Who is Neil Diamond? He wrote the Monkees’ No. 1 hit song “I’m a Believer.”