The Earth
The Seasons
The Moon
More Moon
Earth's Movement and Time
The imaginary line around the center of the earth which receives the same direct intensity from the sun all year round is called the_____________________.
What is equator.
The winter solstice, or the day of the year with the fewest hours of daylight, is on what day of each month?
What is December 20th or 21st
A small planet-like body that orbits the earth is called the
What is the moon
True or False. There is a side of the moon that is always in darkness.
What is false. The side of the moon that we cannot see is not dark-we just can't see it:)
A calendar year has how many days?
What is 365
The path of one object in space around another object is called its_____________.
What is orbit.
The summer solstice, or the day of the year with the most hours of daylight is in what month and day.
What is June 20th or 21st
The moon appears to shine but the light you observe is actually
What is reflected light from the sun
When all of the lit side of the moon can be seen from earth we call it a
What is a full moon
One complete phase of the moon takes approximately
What is 29 days or one lunar month
An imaginary line through both of earth's poles is called an__________.
What is an axis.
During June, July, and August the Northern Hemisphere is tilted toward the sun and results in the season known as
What is summer
As the moon orbits Earth, different amounts of its lit surface can be seen. That’s why the moon seems to have different shapes, or
What is phases
During the first half of the moon's cycle, the amount of the lit side of the moon seen from earth increases or
What is waxes
A solar year is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 45 1/2 seconds long. This is based on the amount of time it takes Earth to make one complete orbit around the sun. Today’s calendars have only 365 days in a year. So every four years, an extra day is added in February to make up for the extra hours and minutes in a solar year. This extra day is called a __________and occurs on_____________.
What is leap day on February 29th.
Earth___________________around the sun.
What is revolves.
When the Southern Hemisphere is having spring the Northern Hemisphere is having
What is autumn or fall
The phases of the moon follow the same pattern about every ____ days.
What is 29 1/2
During the second half of the earth's cycle, the amount of the lit side of the moon seen from earth decreases, or
What is wanes
When the new moon comes between the earth and the sun it is called a
What is a solar eclipse
Earth ______________on its axis.
What is rotates.
The earth is tilted on its axis at a degree of
What is 23.5
What phase of the moon happens after we see less and less of the moon at night?
What is the new moon
The first astronaut to step foot on the moon in the year 1969 was _________________. Your team receives a bonus of 300 points if you are able to recite this astronaut's famous first words transmitted to earth when stepping out of the shuttle.
Who is Neil Armstrong. "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind."
A device that determines the time of day by the position of the sun is called a
What is a sundial