Name a way a person can be physically bullied.
What is hitting, kicking, tripping, pushing, etc...
Bullying only affects a small percentage of youth.
What is a myth? The latest statistics show more than 1/3 of students in the United States report experiencing bullying first hand.
This particular reason victims of bullying do not seek help has to do with being ridiculed by their peers.
What is embarrassment?
A friend says to you one day, " Why'd you buy them ugly shoes?"
What is teasing?
You see a girl being teased at recess.
What is tell a teacher, provide support, and remove the girl from the teasing. (There is strength is numbers.)
Name a way a person can be verbally bullied.
What is name calling, teasing, making hurtful comments, making threats, etc...
Bullying is a rite of passage; it's just kids being kids, and some people are just too sensitive.
What is a myth? The truth is NO ONE enjoys being bullied, but everyone longs to be accepted. What's more? Victims of bullying may find themselves at increased risk of depression, PTSD, suicidal thoughts, anxiety, substance abuse, and dropping out of school.
Youth are ofter very aware of their faults and short-comings. When a bully zeros in on these faults, many young people assume they deserve it.
What is low self-esteem. The truth is many youth are not confident and tend to see the negative in themselves.
During lunch, a classmate steals something off your tray everyday.
What is bullying?
Your best friend has recently started to pick on another student in the class. At first, you thought it was funny, but lately, the teasing has gotten meaner and meaner. You can tell that the student is becoming more and more upset, but the other kids in the class think it is funny.
What is "Tell a teacher; Talk to your best friend about his/her behavior; Support the targeted student."
Name an example of social bullying.
What is spreading rumors, causing embarrassment, encouraging others to exclude from group, etc...
Bullies are often victims of bullying, themselves.
What is a fact? Many bullies have been victims of bullying and often use meanness as a way to appear less weak.
Some youth say they "put up" with bullying in order to belong.
What is acceptance? Over 50% of youth who report being bullied state they bully had more social influence. (This could easily be someone in the "popular" crowd.)
You and a friend "play fight" everyday at recess.
What is teasing? This is teasing because both are equal and willing participants.
What is a positive way to handle a bully?
What is "Tell an adult, ignore the behavior, stand up for yourself in a positive way, get help, and power in numbers."
Name an example of cyber bullying.
What is sharing embarrassing photos/videos, sending hurtful messages/comments, pretending to be another person online, etc...
Bullying is typically easy to spot.
What is a myth? Most bullying is psychological aggression, and bullies are good at not getting caught. This can be in the form of insults, name-calling, threatening, not being included, etc...
Sometimes the bully is someone teachers and parents would least suspect because the bully does well in school, is popular, and/or comes from a "good family."
What is not being believed?
One time a classmate calls you an unkind word.
A group of your friends are talking negatively about another boy in your class. You think this boy is nice and consider him to be a friend.
What is "Ask them to stop Continue to be friends with the boy."
Name the four different types of bullying.
What is physical, verbal, social, and cyber bullying?
Victims of bullying usually reach out for help.
What is a myth? Sadly, only about 20-30% of students seek the assistance of an adult.
What is snitching? Youth are often more afraid of being called a tattletale, a snitch, a baby, a rat... than they are of enduring the continued bullying. Social standing is THAT strong.
This is the difference between teasing and bullying.
What is recurrence? Bullying is the repeated targeting of a person while teasing happens once.
One of your friends frequently spreads rumors about you, tells you that your clothes are ugly, and says she won't be your friend. You are confused by this behavior because you thought this person was really your friend.
What is "Tell your friend that her behavior is unkind. Ask your friend to stop. If necessary, stop being friends with this girls."