Of large stature with limited sense
Ivan Is
"'Ugh! Its like moist black velvet"' (Connell 1)
A Simile is
Rising action is
When the chateau gates snapped shut behind him
"' I must keep my nerve, I must keep my nerve"(Connell 16)
Fear is
Sad finding it would be difficult to replace his comrade
Zaroff is
Claims to be a sane person
Who is General Zaroff
What is Personification
Muttering and growling of the sea hitting the rocky shore
Rainsford hiding in the curtains
Climax is
Zaroff leaving Rainsford giving him a second chance
Humiliation is
"'Killed my first bear in the Caucasus"'
Zaroff did
Doesn't seem to care how an animal feels
Rainsford dose
What is a Simile?
As if the air around us was actually poisonous
"'One of us to furnish a repast for the hounds. The other will sleep in this very excellent bed"' (Connell 21)
Resolution is
Running for survival from Zaroff
Predator Vs Pray is
Person who cares about how an animal may feel/think
Whitney is a
"dozen or so huge shapes ... their eyes glitter greenly" (Connell 13)
Zaroff's hounds
Description of Ivan and his race
A hyperbole is
Exposition is
Getting knocked off a boat and washing ashore an island
Setting sail for a hunting trip in the Amazon
Adventure is
Claims Rainsford has good eyes
Whitney says
tough-minded would talk to the devil himself for light
Old Swede is
The Cossack was the cat, he was the mouse
A metaphor is
Rising action is
creating traps to help survive Zaroff
Rainsford escaping Zaroff then bested him in his own home
Good Vs Evil is
Cares and mourns for his favorite animal
Zaroff is shown