Plot 1
Plot 2
General Zaroff first comes to his island after - A. swimming to it when his ship sank. B. being stranded on it by his crew C. buying it in order to build his chateau there D. inheriting it from his father
C. buying it in order to build his chateau there
The MAIN conflict in "The Most Dangerous Game" is between - A. two different opinions of what the most dangerous animal is B. a human being and a human evil C. a person and the doubts and fears within himself D. a human being and the forces of nature
B. a human being and a human evil
Who is the main character in the story? A. General Zaroff B. Ivan C. Rainsford D. Whitney
C. Rainsford


capable of being touched


How does Zaroff stock his island with “game”?

By putting in lights to act as if it's a ship channel that leads straight into rocks to crash the ships. This causes the ship's inhabitants to flee to the closest land which is the island, trapping them there with Zaroff.

Rainsford comes to the island because he - A. swims to it after accidentally falling overboard B. wishes to write an article about Zaroff C. wants to prove that Zaroff can't successfully hunt him D. wants to bring the evil Zaroff to justice
A. swims to it after accidentally falling overboard.

What is it about Zaroff’s personality that allows Rainsford to win “The Game”?

Zaroff felt himself superior to everyone around him. This superiority allows himself to let his guard down, allowing Rainsford to win. 

What is Zaroff's MAIN reason for preferring to hunt human beings rather than animals? A. There is no other big game on his island. B. He doesn't like to kill innocent creatures. C. He hates humanity and wants to take revenge against it. D. Hunting men is more of a challenge than hunting beasts.
D. Hunting men is more of a challenge than hunting beasts.


 to be reluctant on grounds of conscience


How is Zaroff able to finance his life style?

Through his time in the military with the Cossacks.

Rainsford first realizes he is going to be the prey when - A. he sees the blood and an empty cartridge in the bush B. Zaroff claims to hunt game that is more dangerous than the Cape Buffalo C. Zaroff claims to have invented a new kind of game to hunt D. Zaroff tells him to join the hunt or become Ivan's sport
D. Zaroff tells him to join the hunt or become Ivan's sport
Which of the following events occurs first? A. Ivan threatens Rainsford. B. Zaroff welcomes Rainsford. C. Zaroff hunts Rainsford. D. Whitney warns Rainsford.
D. Whitney warns Rainsford.
Zaroff especially welcomes Rainsford because the general - A. is glad to meet another expert hunter B. wants news about the outside world C. has no other humans to hunt D. wishes to share his secret with the world
A. is glad to meet another expert hunter


 disaster, failure, rout


In spite of being hurt, Zaroff congratulates Rainsford on his “Malay mancatcher,” why?

Because Rainsford is giving Zaroff the hunt that he has been looking for in terms of the higher intelligence. 

Who is dead by the end of the story? A. Rainsford B. Rainsford and Zaroff C. Rainsford, Ivan, and two of the captive sailors D. Zaroff, Ivan, and one of Zaroff's best dogs
D. Zaroff, Ivan, and one of Zaroff's best dogs
Foreshadowing is a - A. look back at what happened before the story began B. hint about what is to come in the plot C. scene that is out of chronological order D. struggle between inner and outer forces
B. hint about what is to come in the plot
The BEST evidence that Zaroff is aware of his own viciousness and cruelty is that he - A. makes fun of Rainsford for being afraid B. explains how he obtains the men he hunts C. says that all Cossacks are savage and that he, Zaroff, is a Cossack D. claims that it is not murder to kill sailors because they are "scum"
C. says that all Cossacks are savage and that he, Zaroff, is a Cossack


courteous and agreeable in conversation


How is Rainsford similar to Zaroff?

Rainsford is a fellow hunter who is equal to Zaroff's wit.

Rainsford finally gets the better of Zaroff when Rainsford - A. swims to Zaroff's chateau and surprises him B. kills Ivan, leaving Zaroff defenseless C. catches Zaroff in a tiger trap made from a bent sapling D. signals to a passing boat that helps him escape
A. swims to Zaroff's chateau and surprises him
Which of the following statements is the BEST example of foreshadowing in the story? A. Whitney's tales of Ship-Trap Island foreshadow danger. B. The fact that Rainsford smokes a pipe foreshadows his death. C. The fact that Ivan does not speak foreshadows the story of Ivan's youth. D. Rainsford's construction of traps foreshadows that he is an expert hunter.
A. Whitney's tales of Ship-Trap Island foreshadow danger.
Which of the following statements BEST describes how Zaroff justifies his hunting of human beings? A. Animal life is more precious than human life. B. Only the strong deserve to survive. C. Individual freedom is more important than laws. D. Human beings are not morally responsible for one another.
B. Only the strong deserve to survive.

Define Conflict.

a struggle between opposing forces that drives the plot forward and creates tension and drama


What are the conflicts in the story? Explain them.

human vs nature.

human vs human.

human vs himself.

Rainsford vs the sea, Rainsford vs the jungle

Rainsford vs Zaroff

Rainsford vs internal thoughts of hunter and prey
