What is the name of the island that General Zaroff lives on?
Ship-Trap Island
Why does Zaroff want to specifically hunt humans?
Because humans can reason, think, and/or are dangerous.
During the hunt, how does Rainsford finally escape?
The sea (he jumps)
What were the items given to Rainsford before the hunt? (Must list all of them for full points)
Hunting clothes, food, and a knife
What is the name of the Protagonist
Why is Rainsford on the island?
He falls out of his boat when he drops his pipe.
Why has Zaroff grown bored?
Hunting has become too easy for him.
Animals are not as entertaining to hunt.
What does General Zaroff describe as his "ideal animal"?
What is the name of the first trap Rainsford sets up for General Zaroff? Give a description and the result of this trap
The Malay man-catcher. A huge log is placed on a smaller living one. A protruding branch is a trigger that will release the log, causing it to swing down and hit/kill the target. Zaroff jumps out of the way just in time to avoid death, but hurts his shoulder in the process.
What is the name of the antagonist?
General Zaroff
What happens during the first day of the hunt?
General Zaroff knows Rainsford is in the tree, but he smirks, blows smoke, and let's him go.
What do Rainsford and General Zaroff have in common?
They are both big game hunters
What is the name of the part of the island General Zaroff tells Rainsford to avoid? Why does he tell him this?
Death Swamp because it is a part of the island with quicksand
What is the name of the second trap Rainsford sets up for General Zaroff. Give a description
The Burmese tiger pit. Rainsford digs a hole a few feet away from the quicksand, carves spikes out of saplings/branches and places them in the bottom of the pit. He then covers the pit with leaves and twigs in hopes that Zaroff will fall to his death.
What is the climax of the story?
Rainsford appears in General Zaroff's bedroom ready to fight.
What happens after Rainsford set up the Burmese Tiger Pit?
After hiding behind a bush, Rainsford hears a scream. He believes that Zaroff has died, but after running out, He learns that one of Zaroff's hounds has fallen in.
What region of the world does the story take place?
How does Rainsford change by the end of the story? (Hint: How he views animals and the hunt)
He now has empathy for the animals he has killed:
He knows what it's like to be hunted.
Describe the 3rd trap Rainsford set up for General Zaroff
Rainsford ties his knife with the blade pointing down the trail to a springy young sapling. He used grapevines to tie it and hoped that Zaroff would trigger the grapevine to release the knife, which would result in his death
To be hunted by him or to be tortured by Ivan
Where are Rainsford and Whitney heading at the beginning of the story and what do they plan on doing?
To Rio/Amazon rainforest to hunt jaguar.
What is the meaning of the title of the book?
What is "The Most Dangerous Game"?
It refers to man being the most dangerous animal to hunt and that hunting humans is a dangerous.
How does Zaroff ensures that he has challenging prey on the island?
He tricks passing ships into crashing and hunts the survivors.
Give a description of General Zaroff's life/hunting history
He believes that his hands were made for the trigger. He came from a wealthy background and started hunting at a young age because of his father. He joined the army and became a commander but left after the debacle in Russia. He has hunted big-game all over the world but eventually found it boring and has now decided to hunt humans
What is the resolution of the story? Describe what happens.
Rainsford is waiting behind a curtain in Zaroff's bedroom. Before they fight, Zaroff tells Rainsford one of them will be fed to the dogs while the other will get to sleep in the bed. They fight and Rainsford kills Zaroff.