Founder of the Mughal Empire in India
Who was Babur
Shah Jahan created this famous mausoleum, supposedly for his fourth wife
What is the Taj Mahal
This empire was founded by a Turkish slave in 997 CE
*Hint- It is on the soil of modern day Afganistan
What was the Ghaznavid Empire
Shah Jahan‘s grandfather
Who was Akbar
These staples of culture were very small, yet extremely intricate works of art
What are miniature paintings
Aurangzeb lead the Mughal empire for how many years
How long is 49 years
These animals were used in military settings.
What are elephants?
This Mughal emperor killed his family to become emperor
Who was Aurangzeb?
Miniature paintings were typically made depicting specific scenarios.
What are political leaders, court scenes, and battle/hunting scenes?
The Deli Sultanate was founded in this year
When was 1206 CE
This material was used as paint brushes for tiny details in miniature paintings.
What is animal hair?
(a) This emperor died of an (b) attack of something involving bloody waste from which he never recovered
(a) Who was Akbar
(b) What is dysentery
The Deli Sultanate and Mughal Empire came together in this year
When was 1526 CE
This 20th century activist and politician told us that the Taj Mahal represents the purity of real love
Who was Eleanor Roosevelt?