Literary Terms
True or False?
What is the genre of the story?
Who is the main character(s) in the story?
The Narrator and Dupin.
When the investigators come to the crime scene, (the apartment) what do they find?
They find the bodies of 2 young ladies.
What is the tone of the story?
Suspense, Mystery
True or False? Alphone de Bon was arrested for being a suspect in the murder, but was then released proved to be innocent by the evidence found.
In what perspective is this story taken from?
The Narrator
What were the names of the 2 people murdered at the crime scene?
Madame and Mademoiselle L'Espanaye
Who did they arrest for being a suspect of the murder?
Adolphe de Bon
How does the tone affect the story?
It gives off the sense of a crime scene; it makes the story seem realistic; or it relates to a mystery themed book
True or False? What ultimately happens to the ape?---> He has been put down.
FALSE. When the two investigators were looking for evidence, they were given information that the ape was captured in the early morning.
In the story, the narrator compares a crime scene to a game of chess. What is this an example of? (Remember, you can refer to the text if needed)
What characteristics or personalities can you imply on Dupin? (You can use the internet and the book)
Aristocrat background, deductive, smart, focused, not much of a social type, etc.
As they continue the investigation, who were the list of witnesses they came up with in the story? (Again, REFER TO THE TEXT!!!)
Alfonzo Garcio, Alberto Montani, Paul Dumas, and Alexander Etienne
As the investigation continues, is the tone of the story static or dynamic?
Dynamic- it changes throughout the story.
True or False? A straight razor was used to kill Madamoiselle L'Espanaye.
What is the conflict of the story?
As they continued the investigation, they can't figure out how their evidence relates to anything.
What characteristics does both the narrator and Dupin have that relate to the characteristics of a real detective or an investigator?
Focused, deductive, attentive to the superficial, reasonable, interrogative, conscientious, etc.
When the investigators inspected the crime scene, (yet again) What did they find in CUPIER, and how does it relate to the crime?
As they continued the investigation, they found an article in the paper about the description of an Ourang-outang, which the tuft of hair was in exact co-ordinance with. And it was captured in the Bois de Boulogne.
When the investigation is just about solved, what the tone of the story then?
Accomplished, Success
True or False? Where was Mademoiselle L'Espanaye's body found?---> On the floor, bled to death.
FALSE. She was found stuffed up the chimney, severy severed up and bruised.
What is the prologue of this story? (Where is the story taken place?)
Paris in the Nineteenth Century
What Archetype(s) are Dupin classified as? (Hint: THE BOOK!)
Dupin- detective, sociopath
How were the two ladies murdered at the end of the story? (IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER!)
They were both murdered by the Orangutan. The owner, the sailor, had taken it hostage, for the dying captures had left it in his care. Apparently, the Orangutan had escaped him and found it trying to shave itself with a razor. To no avail, the Orangutan had escaped out the window with razor in hand. It was attracted to the shining of the lightning rod from the top of the house and escaped through the window of the two ladies house. With the two Screaming in fright, the Orangutan had gone on rampage, killing the two, stuffing one up the chimney, and ruining the furniture. in fright, the sailor cowered away from the scene, not wanting to be killed. Upon the finding the rod, the Orangutan had closed the window, leaving the scene.
Does the setting in the murder victims' apartment show the tone of macabre and grotesque murder scene? include details from the story to complete your answer.
(Answer this on a piece of paper and turn it in at the end of the period.)
True or False? This story was not related to Edgar Allan Poe whatsoever. Although it was made by him, this story is a detective themed story, therefore was not associated with Edgar Allan Poe.
FALSE. The story is solely based on Edgar Allen Poe's demented mind and his perspective on a murder or a crime. Making this story related and associated with him.