After the World Wars, the empires crumbled and these took its place.
This type of nation does not have its own geographical area or autonomy.
Stateless nation
In a liberal democracy people should have the freedom to do this?
Backsliding democracies often struggle to maintain fair and free what?
This country claims that Ukraine was and still should be part of their nation.
Defining traits of this word are a common language, shared culture, a territorial origin, and a shared narrative about the collective past.
Nationalism (Nation also acceptable)
What Vietnamese leader wrote a leader to Harry Truman asking for help in defeating their French colonizers?
Ho Chi Minh
Viktor Orban’s government in Hungary is often called what type of democracy?
According to Freedom house, this country led by Erdogan is a backsliding democracy.
The end of the cold war indicated what to Francis Fukuyama?
The End of History
What did Benedict Anderson say a nation was? (The beginning of his definition)
An imagined community
The Igbo people led by Nnamdi Azikiwe pushed for independence for what African nation?
This type of government struggles to retain all of the elements of a liberal democracy such as freedom of the press.
Backsliding democracy or Illiberal democracy
This country’s approach to climate change and their treatment of the Amazon rainforest has changed based on its recent presidents.
The definition of this word is: Intentional use of violence by non-state actors against civilians in pursuit of political or ideological objectives.
What did France use to turn peasants into “Frenchmen” according to Eugen Weber?
Schools or military service
What stateless people are located in several nations such as Iraq, Turkey and Syria?
The Kurds
This 17th century Enlightenment philosopher is credited with inspiring liberal democracy.
John Locke
In 2020, the IDEA organization shocked the world and labelled this country a backsliding democracy.
The United States
NATO was created to stop this country’s expansion and influence.
Russia or the USSR
What was Noam Chomsky’s thesis regarding nations? (Hint: Man who was hiking and accidentally went into Lebanon)
The nation is an artificial construct.
Kwame Nkruma in his speech I Speak for Freedom advocated for African nations to do what?
Create a unified Africa
According to Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, what is one pillar of their social democracy?
1. Full Employment
2. Generous welfare
3. Organized labor
Hugo Chavez claimed that only he could fix this South American country.
Which country has stated that they consider Taiwan as part of their nation?