This class of neurons has many processes extending from the cell body. All are dendrites except for a single axon
What is Multipolar
Your body contains billions of these (also called "nerve cells")
What is Neuron
How many lobes are there in the human brain?
What is Four
The portion of the brain where our "conscious mind" is found enabling us to be aware of ourselves and our sensations, communicate, remember, and understand
What is Cerebral Cortex
Long, thin, tubular bundle of nervous tissue and support cells that extends from the medulla oblongata in the brain system. With the brain, it makes up the CNS
What is Spinal Cord
This class of neurons has two processes extending from the cell body. One is a fused dendrite and one is an axon
What is Bipolar
Smaller nerve cells that have supporting functions and roles i the nervous system…there are 6 classes of these
What is Neuroglia or Glial Cells
This lobe is associated with reasoning, motor skills, higher level cognition and expressive language
What is Frontal Lobe
The relay station for info coming into the cerebral cortex. Here, info is sorted out and "edited"
What is Thalamus
The inferior part of the brain stem which blends directly into the spinal cord
What is Medulla Oblongata or simply "Medulla"
This type of neuron has one process extending from the cell body forming the central and peripheral processes which together comprise an axon
What is Unipolar
This is a junction that mediates info transfer from one neuron to the next or from a neuron to an effector cell
What is Synapse
Located in the mid section of the brain and is associated with processing tactile sensory info such as pressure, touch, and pain
What is Parietal Lobe
Located below the thalamus, this portion caps the brain stem . It is vitally important to overall body homeostasis
What is Hypothalamus
Located dorsal to the pons, this structure provides precise timing and appropriate patterns of skeletal muscle contrition for smooth, coordinated movements and agility needed for daily living
What is Cerebellum
This type of neuron is the most abundant in the body and the major neuron type in the CNS
What is Multipolar
A large depolarization event, including polarity reversal, that is conducted along the membrane of a muscle cell or a nerve fiber
What is Action Potential
Located on the bottom section of the brain and is the location of the primary auditory cortes which interprets sounds and the language we hear
What is Temporal Lobe
This structure secretes the hormone melatonin and helps regulate the sleep-wake cycle
What is Pineal Gland
Structure that plays a role in converting new info into long-term memories
What is Hippocampus
This is the most rare of the neuron classes found in some special sensory organs (eye, ear, etc.)
What is Bipolar
Chemical messenger released by neurons that may, upon binding to receptors of neurons or effector cells, stimulate or inhibit those neurons or effector cells
What is Neurotransmitter
Located at the back portion of the brain and is associated with interpreting visual stimuli and information
What is Occipital Lobe
This acts as the relay station for "conversations" between the motor cortex and cerebellum
What is Pons
Two almond-shaped groups located deep within the temporal lobes of the brain that perform a primary role in the processing of memory, decision making and emotional reactions