what has four legs and barks
a dog
who is the best basketball player of all time
Micheal Jordan
what is the most popular food in Philly
cheese steaks
what is the name of the richest man alive
elon musk
what is elevans real name
what animal symbols china
the dragon
when was basketball made
Jan 15 1892
what is the most popular food in japan
what is the name of the celeb that slapped chris rock
will smith
when is wills birthday
march 22nd 1986
what animal on land has the most intelligence
a elephant
what does basketball teach you about life
the value of teamwork
what is the most popular food in china
what is the name of the celeb that that played cat valentine on nikolodean shows
arianna grande
what is vecna/001 real name
henry kreel
What animal name in Latin and spanish means fire
a flamingo
how many teams are in the nba play offs
what is mexicos most popular food
what is the name of the celeb that is in dept -6 million dollars
amber heard
what flavor of slurpie did alexia ask for
90 percent of what animal lives on the coast of alaska
sea otters
how many people in the world like basketball
450 million people
what is new Orleans most popular food
what celeb was born march 1 1994
justin beiber
what is the name of the song that eddie uses when he does the rock concert in the upside down
master of puppets by matalica