Social Security
Public Works

This act, part of the Second New Deal, was signed into law in 1935 to provide financial assistance to the elderly, the unemployed, and the disabled.

What is the Social Security Act?


The NRA aimed to stimulate economic recovery by establishing codes for fair competition, affecting wages, prices, and working hours in this period.

What is the Great Depression?


The SEC was created in 1934 to regulate and oversee this specific sector, which had a significant role in the market crash of 1929.

What is the stock market?


The FDIC was created to maintain public confidence and encourage stability by insuring deposits in these institutions.

What are banks?


Public works programs were part of FDR's New Deal and aimed to provide jobs through the construction of these.

What are roads, buildings, and other public facilities?


Social Security was a major part of this New Deal program which aimed to provide relief for the unemployed and poor.

What is the relief aspect of the New Deal?


This symbol, representing the NRA, was displayed by businesses that adopted the codes for fair competition.

What is the Blue Eagle?


This President appointed Joseph P. Kennedy as the first chairman of the SEC.

Who is Franklin D. Roosevelt?


During the Great Depression, before the FDIC was established, a common occurrence was a "run" on these institutions, where people would rush to withdraw their funds.

What are banks?


This public works program was the largest and most ambitious American New Deal agency, employing millions to carry out public works projects.

What is the Works Progress Administration (WPA)?


The Social Security Act was considered groundbreaking for establishing this kind of safety net in the United States.

What is a social welfare system?


The NRA was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in this landmark 1935 case.

What is Schechter Poultry Corp. v. United States?


The SEC enforces laws concerning the trade of stocks and bonds, primarily to protect investors and maintain this.

What is fair and efficient markets?


The FDIC was established by the 1933 Banking Act, commonly known as this.

What is the Glass-Steagall Act?


The Public Works Administration (PWA), established by the National Industrial Recovery Act, focused on the construction of large-scale works, like this famous dam in Nevada.

What is the Hoover Dam?


This amendment to the Social Security Act, passed in 1939, added benefits for the spouses and minor children of retired workers.

What is the Social Security Amendments of 1939?


This was one of the main criticisms of the NRA, as it was seen to favor large businesses over smaller ones.

What is promoting monopolistic practices?


One of the main reasons for creating the SEC was to restore investor confidence in the transparency and fairness of these markets.

What are securities markets?


The original insurance limit set by the FDIC for individual bank accounts was this amount.

What is $2,500?


The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) was a federally owned corporation in the United States created by congressional charter to provide this in the Tennessee Valley, an area particularly hard hit by the Great Depression.

What is electricity and flood control?


This was the primary source of revenue for the Social Security program when it was first implemented.

What are payroll taxes?


The NRA was part of this larger New Deal program that also included the Public Works Administration (PWA).

What is the National Industrial Recovery Act?


The creation of the SEC was part of FDR's New Deal, which included legislation aimed at reforming this aspect of the economy.

What is the financial system?


The FDIC's promise that a person's money is safe in a bank is backed by this, giving additional assurance to depositors.

What is the full faith and credit of the United States government?


These types of projects were designed not only to provide immediate employment but also to improve the long-term infrastructure of the country.

What are public works projects?
